Chapter 3: The Fight

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Michelle's POV:

I walked home hand in hand with carter. He was so cute! As we walk up the sidewalk, we reach my house. We kissed. It may have only lasted a second, but there was so much passion it seemed like forever. When I walked in my parents were arguing. Tho never happens so I just snuck around and looked for a snack. When I had gotten one I ran to my room, to find my brother at my door way.

" I saw you kiss Carter!" Michael stated.

" Shhh! Yes I kissed him. Now why are Mom and Dad fighting?"

" I don't know, go ask them yourself."

" No I really don't want to interrupt them, stupid."

" Ok ok whatever."

At that, he left. Then I heard the door slam and faint crying from downstairs. Me and my brother, at the same time, rushed down the hall. We saw my my Dad crying and me stood next to him to give him our comfort.

He yelled "Why God?! Why do you let bad things happen to good people? Huh? Why?!" Then he walked away. I wondered why they were fighting? So later I decided to ask the man that simple question.

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