The forgotten ones

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Ty's POV: (while she's greeting fitted for her wig)

I loved how she understood perfectly. Our lips were so close. I should've closed the distance. I can't wait to see her new look. Your hair says a lot about you.

~an hour lator~

She walked in with a half nervous and half happy face. Her wig looked like her personality. It was amazing.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

"You like it!?!" she said sounding overly excited.

"Yes, yes I do." Her hair was a pastel blue with hints of pastel purple. What? don't judge just because I know my colors!

"Good." She said so swiftly. Things were kinda awkward between us since our lips nearly locked. We didn't know what to say to each other or anything.

~ Some time later. Like dark time.~

Michelle's POV:

I love my hair! it was weird to see both hair on my head and have it a different color than blonde. But whatever.

"How do you feel?" Ty asked me.

"Good. Although a little hungry." I said shortly.

"No. I mean, what is it like to have cancer?" I don't know how to respond. I never like deeply thought of it.

"Honestly, I feel like everyone is just putting pity on me. Like no one really cares. You know?"

"Yeah I do know."

"I also feel forgotten Ty. I feel left out all because this stupid disease.''

"I know. Sometimes I feel that way."

"We are the forgotten ones tTy that's what we are."


Anyone notice the knew cover??

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