Tom Hanson

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Today was y/n's first day at jump street. You were sent there after she had a mishap on a pursuit.
As she walked in she was met with a girl who was smiling "Hi, I'm Judy. You must be Y/N," she said holding out her hand. Y/N nodded her head and shook her hand. "Hey, I'm Doug and this is Harry," Doug said running in the room with Harry. "Hi, I'm y/n" she said shaking their hands. "Do you know where Captain Richard Jenko is," she asked. "Yo Jenko get over here," Doug yelled. "Jenko's not here," someone yelled walking into the room. "He's out trying to-" he stopped when he saw y/n. He smiled and put his hand out "Hi I'm Tom Hanson." They shook hands and looked at each other. " Awww, does Hanson have a crush," Harry said. Judy just rolled her eyes at Doug and Harry who were taunting Tom. "Ok so we need people to go over to East Side Highschool," Jenko said busting into the room. "Oh! You must be y/n."
"Hi," y/n said. "Well Hanson, y/l/n, this can be your case. Y'know get a feel for how we work here on Jump Street," Jenko said. He walked out of the room with Harry, Doug, and Judy. Tom and y/n looked at each other. "So, we better get on it then," y/n said. Tom nodded and said " But we need you to change first, y'know have you blend in with the highschool students more."

"Right" y/n mumbled. After got clothes for y/n, they changed and got ready for the case. Tom and Jenko told her how everything works. The next day they went to East Side Highschool in Tom's Mustang. They looked at each other and Tom spoke up "you ready?"
"Yeah, let's go," y/n said. They got out of the car and saw two guys handing a dufflebag to a guy and he left on a motorcycle. Y/n motioned over to the pair and Tom nodded.
The two of them walked over to the pair with Tom's arm over her shoulder. "Hi, I'm Tom Mikaelson and this is my girlfriend y/n Carson. We're new here," he said. "Hi, I'm Jack and this is Jason," one of them said. They shook hands and Tom nodded. After a few days they gained Jack and Jason's trust by saying that they can help them get weed. That night they were waiting in an alley. Then, a truck pulled up. "This is it," Jason said. Y/n pulled Tom aside "what if this a bust?" Tom smiled "everything's going to be fine just follow my lead." They walked back over to the truck. Jack opened the back of the truck and the driver got out. "So this is everything, " Tom asked. "Yup," the driver said. Y/n looked at Jack and Jason who looked proud of themselves. "Good because now you're under arrest," Tom said showing his badge, smiling. The driver tried to tackle Tom, but Tom banged his head against the truck and tackled Jack to put handcuffs on him. Jason tried to make a run for it, but y/n chased him and brought him back in cuffs. They were thrown in jail and Tom and y/n were at Jump Street talking. "Looks like we make a great team," y/n said smiling. Tom chuckled " yeah looks like it."
"This is going to be fun," Tom mumbled as he watched y/n walk out of the room.
A/N: I'm still taking requests also I hope you liked it. This was not a request.

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