Glen Lantz

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Y/n arrived at school and saw her boyfriend, Glen, waiting for her at the top of the stairs to the school.  He saw her at the bottom the stairs and waved at her. He ran down the staurs towards her with a big smile on his face. He put his arm over her shoulder and kissed her cheek,"hey, babe. How are you?" She groaned and rolled her eyes,"tired. That's how I am. I had a weird dream last night."  Glen laughed a little and held her closer to him as they walked up the stair, "what was your dream about?"  She sighed and held onto his waist, "It was more of a nightmare. There was a guy wearing a red and black striped shirt and he had a hat on. He was chasing me down the street and he had these claw-like gloves made of metal. I could still hear the metal gloves scraping against pipes, making a horrible screeching sound.  It felt so real." Glen looked at her with fear and worry, then smiled and starting tickling her side once they reached the top of the stairs. "Well maybe it was just someone wanting to tickle you," he yelled. She squealed and pushed him away,"I'm serious." He stopped tickling her and held her waist with both hands, making her face him. "It was only a nightmare ok. No one is going to hurt you, especially with me around. Ok?" Y/n nodded and kissed him. "Let's head inside, school is about to start." Glen said. They went inside and Glen dropped her off at her class, then went to his class.
After school Glen went to y/n to work on their science homework together.

When they were finally finished, Glen looked down at his watch and looked out the window,"it's already 11:00. I better get going and you better get some rest." He was about yo get up, but y/n pulled his arm,"stay the night. Like you saif it's already 11:00 you shouldn't walk by yourself at night." Glen sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

He fell back on the bed and yawned,"fine, I'll stay. But only because I'm tired." Y/n giggled and laid down next to him. They both drifted to sleep and y/n rose up hearing metal scraping against ech other. Y/n looked next her and Glen wasn't there. She slowly got up and opened the door. The sound was getting louder and louder until it came to a complete stop. Y/n was standing at the door way and someone tapped her shoulder and whispered,"boo." She looked over her shoulder and next to her face was a man's head who's face was burnt and he was wearing a hat. It was the same man from her previous dreams. She screamed and started to run downstairs, towards the front door.

Then, all of a sudden she woke up. Glen was shaking her and yelling her name. "He was in my dream again," she said, her forehead beaded with sweat. Glen held her close,"it was only a nightmare. Everything is ok."
Y/n couldn't help, but think is everything ok? It felt so real.

I was thinking about making a part 2 for this, but I don't know if I should.

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