Mad Hatter

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Y/n was walking through the woods because her friend dropped her necklace and is too busy (lazy) to look for it herself.  "Dammit why couldn't you just forget about the nacklace,"   y/n said thinking outloud.  Y/n heard rutling in a bush behind her so, she turned around to find a peculiar white rabbit who was wearing a blue coat and holding a pocket watch.  "How strange," y/n whispered. "Who are you," y/n yelled. The white rabbit jumped and started running " I have to go I'm late. Oh, dear I'm late!"  Y/n followed the rabbit "wait, where are you going also what kind of rabbit talks."  The rabbit went inside a rabbit hole amd y/n stopped.  She looked in curiously and called for the rabbit.  She crawled into the rabbit hole and after a few steps fell.  As she went further down objects around her bacame stranger.  Objects would float and she finally reached the bottom. She saw a table that had a key on it. Next to the table y/n saw a tiny door.  Y/n grabbed the key and put in her pocket and croucheddown next to the door.  "How anyone possibly fit in this small door," she thought.  She went back to the table and a glass vile that had a blue liquid in it and said "drink me" was on it.  "How did this get here?," y/n said.  She picked up the vile and smelled it. She took a small sip and all of sudden she started to get smaller.  She walked up to the door, that was now the perfect size, and unlocked it with the key.  When she went through it, it was like nothing she has ever seen.  She saw the rabbit and started to chase it again. Y/n looked around and she was back in the woods.  She heard people talking and glass clanking.  As she got closer to the sound, she saw a large table with a hare, a cat, a mouse, and man with a hat sitting there, the rest of the seats were empty.  The hare was throwing plates and cups everywhere. "Excuse me, but do you know where I am," she said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her.  The cat disappeared and reappeared on her shoulder. "Why my dear, this is wonderland," the cheshire cat said. He went back to the table next to the man.  "Who might you be," the man. "I'm y/n and you are," she replied. He took off his hat and bowed "I am the hatter, but people tend to call me mad hatter." 
"Mad Hatter?" She asked. "He tends to be quite mad, but then again so do I. I'm the Mad Hare," the hare said.  Y/n sat at the table, "this looks like a wonderful tea party."  "Yes, it is my dear," the Mad Hatter said, pouring her a cup of tea. The mouse ran to y/n pointing his needle at her  "How do we know we could trust you and that you don't work for the red queen?"  "I don't think she works for the red queen. I've never seen her here before," thd Cheshire cat said. "Very well then, let's get this tea party started. For the fun has only begun," the Mad Hatter said, standing up and clapping his hands. He was right, the adventure has only begun.

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