Percy P.O.V

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Chiron had called me to the big house. I was 19 the war ended 2 years ago, but that doesn't mean I didn't still train and practice crazily. Especially today this was the 12 year anniversary of my brother Harry and I separation. He would be 17 now, but I highly doubt he is alive. That abusing son of a bitch Uncle Vernon most likely killed him. Anyway I went to the big house.

 "Percy, my boy. I am sending you on a quest." Oh no come on not an insane quest! " No Percy not a crazy one you will go with Annabeth and Nico to help rebuild Hogwarts" 

I looked at him in wonder. I think he could tell what I was thinking because he used the Iris message to show me Hogwarts. He threw in 10 drachmas! That is 20 minutes of Iris call.

 "You really think you can defeat me you stupid boy" said some scary noseless man (AN-sorry I can never resist the nose pun).

 "Yes I do! Because I have something that you will never had" said the boy

 "Oh Harry Potter the chosen one just because you have a scar on your forehead. What kind of power could you possibly have that I don't"

No it couldn't be Harry...

 "LOVE! I have love. It was with me when I was with my mother and father. I was with when I had Percy with me. It was with me when I met Ron and Hermione. And it is especially with me now with Draco."

 " ha you think love can always save you "

 "Lets finish this the way we started Tom together"

The Iris message faded away.

"Percy I was uninformed he had a brother"

"Harry is alive! Oh my God he is alive!" 

" Percy are you his brother" 

I lifted up my hair to show my lightening bolt scar on the opposite side of Harrys'.

"We will get you to I him right away Percy. I already told Nico and Annabeth quickly go pack."

I ran to my cabin and lack faster than ever before. We were traveling along by plane it was the fastest way Zeus have me this free pass. I am antsy on the plane.My girlfriend can tell.

 "What's wrong Percy"

 "Nothing love" I tell her

 "Okay" I can tell she isn't satisfied with my answer and leaves it at that.

>>>>>>The All Powerful Timeskip<<<<<<

The plane opens up for us to jump out but we can't. The two are dueling it looks like but with wands. It hits me. 

 "There wizards" I say

For once in her life Annabeth didn't know something. I could tell by the look on her face. I hear a boom.

The noseless man had just turned to dust! We were about to jump when a bit came running to Harry, Harry ran towards the boy as well. The taller blonde boy grabbed Harry and pulled him into a kiss.

 "You did it Harry we won it's okay shhh. It pains me to see your beautiful face cry"

That is when I notice Harry was crying he wiped his tears and gave the blonde another kiss.

 "I love you Dray"

 "I love you too Harry" 

 "Do you think Percy would be proud?"

 " Of course he would Harry! You just killed someone Dumbledore a man who held the Elder Wand couldn't kill! "

That is when I can't take it anymore and jump from the plane.


He backs away from hugging 'Dray' they both look at me.

 "PERCY" Harry tells and runs towards me as I run towards him.

 "I'm so sorry Har-Bear I shouldn't have left you. I am so so sorry. I missed you so much."

 " I knew you'd come back! And you didn't leave I made you. I really missed you don't ever leave again"

Annenbeth and Nico come down.

 "What is going on they" say in union

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