Harry P.O.V

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We had just got back to Hogwarts when Percy wanted to talk to me alone.

 "What'cha want to talk about?"

 " Harry, I love you and your my little brother I'm still shocked though. Your pregnant and you are kind of scared of me. What it's going on? "

 "I'm scared because I don't want to lose you again. I didn't want you thinking I was some freak." I said in a very quite and scared voice.

" Harry your my baby brother and I love you more than anything on this planet. " Percy looked as though he was going to cry because of my words. Then I felt very bad for making him sad.

I started to sob then and Percy called for Draco. Let me tell you being pregnant can make you very emotional. Draco came rushing in and I assured him my tears were happy tears. For the first time in a long time I felt truly happy.  I had a baby on the way, a awesome fiance my brother was back, I wasn't depressed I was enjoying the momment! 

For the rest of the night we played and learned what was going on with each other the past couple years. The house elves brought up some food and I sat on Draco's lap as he fed me.  Percy cocked an eyebrow at me.

 "It is good for our mate bond," I tell him " plus I am too tired, why do it when Dray is right here" Percy chuckled at me.

"You haven't changed much have you Harry" he said

I pretended to look hurt.

 "When we were little," he started " what ever little food we got he would always want me to feed it to him. I didn't mind. Oh does he punch the air when he is tired? " 

 "He still does!" Draco exclaimed laughing

 "You are all mean" I said

 "But you love me" Draco said in a adorable voice

 "I do"

 "And me Harry" said Percy

 " Mmm not so much"

Percy fell back holding his heart pretending to be hurt. I proceeded to ask him about what had happened these past 10  years. It was rather shocking!

 "Let me get this straight you went to a demi-god camp fought as the chosen one in a war! It is like you are trying to scare me to death!" I said

 " Wooooow your one to talk Harry! You know what it was like for me when Voldemort said you were dead. "

 "Well I was in the middle of life and death really." 

 Percy almost passed out!  I started to laugh so hard I cried.

 "Way to scare the shit out of me little brother"

 "Don't curse around my baby" I said

We all started laughing, and something that very rarely happens happened, I laughed a real laugh. My life for once was nice and happy. We were safe and sound at Hogwarts, my home.

But with my life happiness can only last so long...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Guys I am so SORRY I haven't updated. I will try to stay on top of it! I also tend to easily get distracted (I'm 11). Sorry for it being short as well, I am working on it. I kind of just dived into this without a real story line or plan. But don't be a quite reader please comment and tell me what you are thinking.

bye for now🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

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