Percy POV

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Draco stood at 6'0 next to Harry who was 5'2. Draco had large black wings that looked so magical and wonderous to be real. Harry on the other hand was way different. OMG this is crazy!

Harry now was 5'2 and had a huge stomach due to the pregnancy. He had silver car ears and a silver tail her was wearing a beautiful pink summer dress.

 "So Percy as you can clearly tell I am the submissive in the relationship my purpose is to please my mate and bring new life to the world and protect that new life. Also male pregnancy is 8 months long" Harry said

 " Percy I am obviously the dominate my job is to protect my mate and children. I make sure to give them every thing they want and need" Draco said

Omfg what is going on! "Why is Harry wearing a dress?" I asked. Draco opened his mouth to answer but Harry did.

 " First reason I am a crossover dresser. Second reason a lot of male submissive do it"

I just sat their speechless, and that is when Harry burst into tears.

AN Again sorry for the short chapter I'm going to be hopefully starting a new story called Underestimated. It is a Gravity Falls fanfiction about Diper having powers.

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