Chapter 1

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Ok,It's my first day at this Sleep-in school Called Green Valley High,I'm the only one off my Middle school going there I'm only here because It was the only High school exam i passed on,But also the only one I attempted,All my friends tried but none of them got in...It's a stay-in school also...I'm scared,here alone in this moving train,listening to a sad song off my iPod,I can't help but think about getting that emergency axe,smashing the window and jumping off to run back to my family,except if i did that I'd probably get grounded to the rest of my life,get injured and have one more year of Middle School.

While I'm in this train I'll introduce myself,My name's Ebony,Not the prettiest girl in the world but I'll describe my looks,I have a slightly tanned skin and people think I've used fake tan,but I didn't,I have platinum coloured hair and it sucks,I have nicknames like 'Granny','Granny-O','Grans' and 'Nan' I've had everything to do with old people because my hair looks white. ''It isn't white it's just really clear blonde! It's flippin' platinum people! NOT white!'' I'd scream anywhere to anyone. Oh and i have pitch black  eyes and massive eyelashes which is the only nice thing about my looks. My hair is  Hip-lenght and i mostly wear a pony-tail and I prefer straightning my hair! I still wear mascara and false lashes.

I think you've had enough of my looks,So I'll tell you what I got in this High School for... ARTS! I'm good at drawing portraits and a bit of creative writing,I'm kinda tired i think i should read my cabin information sheet,Ok I'm probably stuck with a boy i just know it! and a annoying one... ''Crystal Anderson''?! Oh-Emm-gee... She's the girl I used to watch tutorial videos on Hair and make-up ages ago,Though the picture next to her name looks nothing like her,The girl I saw in the videos had the same hairstyle as me and she was blonde,In the picture she has a shoulder-lenght emo-like haircut and her hair is black and has a tiny pink bow on the left side,She also has snake bites?! Oh my GAWD!! In case you're wondering what snake bites are they're lip piercings,one on each side of the lower-lip,her snake bites are pitch black,Her hair looks... Her hair looks... Puffy,fluffy,cute and backcombed,she looked amazing,Her black eyes looked a bit dull with her hair,Neeh... I don't want to talk about it know I'm going to sleep.

It's nighttime already I have everything settled for tommorrow,this train only has one detination... Green Valley High,The driver will Say the cabin numbers out loud in the morning,I have to wake up at 5am I know right? I'm not lying now I'm going to sleep...

$h!t... It's midnight and I can't go sleep! Freaking... I'm not the swearing type,so I'm just gonna say Donut instead,here it goes 'Freaking Donut!!!!!!' I'm also kinda Hungry my mother packed me some food for the trip,Umm let's see...Awh! My mommy packed me the best packie lunchie Ever! (Heartbeat) Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum... BACON EGG SANDWICH! and a choco-chip cookie! I'm going to dig in...

00:34am I'm so nervous... I'm gonna meet the girl I've always looked up to,and i wonder how the school looks,my mates told me about it being like a summer camp,though it's a High School instead,each 6 people have a cabin,and 3 people share a room and I share a room with Crystal and someone else...(Sigh) it's nice to meet a person you've looked up to but also kinda scary somehow i mean,she's definitly changed through this year,I still watch her hairstyle video tutorial everyday to do my ponytail and make-up! I'll try going to sleep now... Yawn... Nighty...!

4:23am G'morning m'people!Did you have nice sleep? I did,I feel energized!Not because of the nice sleep 've had because I've only slept for 3hrs or so,It's because... Ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum... I've... Found... A... ENERGY DRINK!! in my bag,It tastes like bubble gum,I should call my mother now,just to let her know I had nice sleep and that I'm safe... (Dials phone) My mother's name is Breanna just so you know.

(Start of call)

Le Me: Hey mom,What's shaking?

Le Mother: Not much Lil' Ebony but has your cabin number been called out yet?!

Le Me: ...

Le Mother : Pay more attention dumbo,it's 4:30 so I don't think it has,Good luck,call me when you get to your cabin,Bye bye Le daughter.

Le Me: Bye Le mother...Love ya babe!

Le Mother : Love ya Le daughter! (Makes strange kissing sound)

(End of call)

My Mother is awesome,I love her loads she's one of my favorite people in the world,I really wish i had a little sister or brother,It's kinda lonely being an only child...

Moving on,The driver dude just called cabin '34' and cabin '35' so I better get out now!!

I think I'm lost,I mean this place looks nothing like a school dorm! It looks like a small wooden house in the middle of nothing! there's a rocky path that shows me where the school is,I'll go there later,first i have to go to my cabin leave my stuff and then go to the school and register! then we'll have 2 weeks to settle in! Woo! Boring...! I never thought my cabin would be in the middle of the woods right next to a massive muddy lake! Oh Gawd I'm losing control now... The dizzyness and countryness of this place sickens me i regret it already! Let me go home to my momma...! Wait there's a brightside to this crazy $h!t,I get to meet Crystal! O-ok 1 year then I'll do a exam to move schools! Done,problem solved!

Walking around the cabin and I can see molds around the wooden logs that complete the house walls! Eugh! Disgusting! But... There are Koi (Chinese fish) fishes in the lake! How cute!But umm i think I just saw one of them eat a small fish... Creepy! Oh there's a small vegetable garden here at the back... Awh! what's that tiny lettuce thingy? So cute! I forgot their name i think it's brussel sprouts or something... I don't know... OH ME GAWD! Holy baby potatoes! Awh you can even see a tiny little halo floating in the baby potatoes! Either it's my imagination or the baby potatoes are magical,Neh probably magical as my amazing Mind works really well,Umm I also see a strawberry bush but the strawberries are still green,gross!The corn looks ready to harvest and same to the tomatoes,i hope we don't have to live with this food here or else I'm going to die! 


The rubbish picture on the side is Ebony,wearing a summer dress! <3

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