Chapter Four: Not So Good Morning

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When I woke up the next morning, it was pouring rain. I tried to remember everything that had happened in that one day. The dinner, the swim, the kiss.

Everything happened so fast. This boy was my childhood friend who I hadn’t talked to in six years, and suddenly we were kissing at midnight after one night of reconnecting. I couldn’t decide if it was a dream or reality yet.

I walked downstairs to find my mother watching the news. I wasn’t hungry yet, so I sat down on the opposite couch and watched with her.  

“What did you and Blake get up to yesterday?” she asked casually. My heart started pounding. I knew she didn't mean it the way I was thinking about, but the thought couldn’t escape me.

“Ooh” I said, I could feel my face turning red. “Just talked. We caught up with each other.”

“That’s nice” my mother said, obviously distracted by the television to see my face.  “You two use to be inseparable. But now you both aren’t kids anymore”

“I know” I agreed “we’ve changed a lot”


This was completely true. I had to remember that kiss wasn’t be kissing Blake the childhood friend, it was me kissing Blake the soon-to-be doctor. Yes, I was kissing the same person, but it meant something different. I liked him because I always had. My attraction never went away.

“Can you do me a favour Elle?” my mother asked. I knew this involved me having to do something she didn't want to do. “Can you bring the recycling out? I forgot to do it last night.”

“Yea sure.” I said, kind of annoyed. It was still raining outside, which meant I had to do the mad dash to the curb.

 I grabbed the recycling box and ran to the end of the driveway to bring the recycling out. It was pouring rain so I tried to do it as fast as possible, but trying to run with a box half the size of you isn’t the easiest of things. I looked over and spotted Blake doing the same as me. He waved me over and I agreed reluctantly, hoping he didn't bring up yesterday.

“Hey Ellie” he said. His hair black was soaking wet, but glistening because it was so dark.  I looked down and my blond strands were now an ugly wet shade of green brown.

“Hi” I said shyly. I didn't know whether to be friendly with him, or stop talking to him in general. I put the recycling at the edge of the driveway and walked back towards my house.

“Wait!” he called after me. I turned around. “Yeah?” I said.

“What you up to today?” he asked, swaying back and forth.

“Ooh” I said, “probably just going to go to the gym and use the pool”

It’s what I did when it rained. I would beg my parents to drive me to the gym to use the pool. Then I paid my three dollars and swam all day, or until I felt I had gotten my money’s worth.

“Why?” he asked “just use the indoor one at my house”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Blake” I said, walking towards my house.

“Wait” he called. I turned back around again. “Just come. Please?”

I sighed and walked into my house, grabbed a bathing suit from my closet and ran over to Blake’s, though I was already drenched from the pouring rain.

Blake was waiting on the front steps. He pulled himself up off the stairs and walked into the house, holding the door open for me. The old Blake wouldn’t do that. He would slam the door in my face and watch me through the window as I cried and tried to open the door.

Blake was like my older brother, before my crush for him started.  He would do everything a brother would do. He got mad if I went through his stuff, he would burp in my face and he would pick on me constantly. But he also taught me to ride a bike, would stand up for me when the other boys were picking on me, and he would give me his ice cream when mine dropped. The little things make me fall for him.

I stepped inside the house. It was dead silent, except for the television on in the living room. We walked towards the glass doors that contained the pool. Blake threw off his shirt and jumped in. his rich black hair stuck up in the air, as if it was help upright in place. I hesitated before taking off my clothes. Not once in my life have I worried about what a boy would think of my body.

“Come on in” he called out to me. “The waters great!”

I waited until he dunked his head under to remove my clothes. Then I dove in head first. I felt my ears fill with water as I swam to the other side of the pool. Unlike most people, I liked the feel of it. I swam around the pool with him for a couple hours. We didn't talk, we just swam. I practiced different strokes and such. I desperately wanted him to say something to me, but he didn't, and neither did I.

I stepped out of the pool and wrapped towel around myself. Blake jumped out as well, and did the same.

“So” he said “do you want to hang out?”

“I should go” I said, and started picking up my clothes.

“Why?” he asked, but I didn't answer. “Is it because of last night?”

I put my clothes on a started to walk out the door, but he grabbed my hand before I could leave. He squeezed my arm hard. I whimpered in pain. I guess he heard because he released, and left a red line around my arm.

“Ellie” he said, looking at my arm “I’m so sorry”


“I mean it” he said “when don’t I mean what I say?”

I grabbed my towel and left. I could feel the tears starting to run down my cheeks. Blake never hurt me ever.

“I know you’re mad because I kissed you” he blurted out after me. I turned around and watched him as he walked closer and wiped away my tears.

 “And Ellie,” he said smiling “if it means anything, I only did it because I knew how badly you wanted me to kiss you.”

“Asshole!” I shouted, and ran home.

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