Chapter Sixteen: Safety

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I couldn’t breathe as I dialed Blake’s number on my phone. Tears were rolling down my face and I felt so hopeless and alone. How could I let something like this happen to me? I’ve always been the good one in the family, why me?

“Ellie?”  His voice was so comforting, but I was still so scared that I couldn’t speak. He told me not to call him if anything happened to me.  

“Ellie!” he repeated. I started crying on the phone.  Blake knew it wasn’t like me to cry like I was crying. He knew something was wrong.

“You were right” I whispered, trying to hold back the tears. “Blake I’m scared”

“Get as far away from the theater as you can” he ordered “I’m coming Ellie. I'll be there in a couple minutes.”

I told him where I was and hung up the phone then started walking in the direction we came from. I couldn’t believe Adam. He was just so nice to me in the store yesterday and at the party, that I couldn’t believe that he would try something on me.

I saw Blake's car pull up in front of me and I climbed into the passenger seat. He continued driving, but in the opposite direction from the house. I was silent the entire time, allowing the tears to roll down my face. Blake kept glancing at me as he drove, probably to make sure I was alright, which we both knew I wasn’t.

He pulled up in front of the lake and we got out of the car. I sat beside him on the hood of the car and continued to sob as he wrapped his arms around me.

“You were right” I cried “I should’ve listened to you. I’m just so stupid!”

“You’re not stupid” he said softly, stroking my hair.

“I was just so busy trying to find someone to make you jealous with” I continued, not realizing what I was saying “but it just backfired. And now, I have no one. You hate me. I hate Adam-“

“I don’t hate you” he told me “I could never hate you Ellie. Never in a million years.”

I smiled through my tears. He hugged me, and my head lay on his chest. He smelled so nice, like some expensive brand of cologne. He took me by the hand and we lay down in the sand. I rested my head on his chest, the same position I woke up in the back of the truck in when we were stalled in the middle of nowhere. I closed my eyes and listened to his breathing.

 “Do you want to know how I knew he would hurt you?” Blake said to me after awhile. I didn't say anything or move, I just wanted to listen to him speak.

“I've seen what he does Ellie” he continued “he takes innocent girls and he plays them. He doesn’t have a heart. He goes from girl to girl, and doesn’t give a crap about how they feel. He does it for himself. It’s sickening”

“Last summer. I came up with my girlfriend Hazel. And it was an amazing summer. It was me, her and Adam, throughout the entire summer. And everything was perfect. But a few weeks ago. I found out she cheated on me while we were up here. She slept with Adam! And I didn't know anything about it until then. And then worse part? She said she would’ve left me for him if she hadn’t caught him with another girl the next day. That Ellie is why I couldn’t get close to you like we both wanted to. Ellie, you mean the world to me. Always have, always will. But it something went wrong between us, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. I would rather have you as a friend than hurt you.”

I looked and into his deep blue eyes. Blake didn't know that I've felt the exact same way about him since we were little. I leaned forward and kissed him. I cupped my hand behind his neck and continued to kiss him. It was so perfect. Better than any of the other kisses.

Because this one actually meant something.

I looked at him again and smiled. He reached and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and kissed me. This was everything I always wanted.

“Do you really think I would do something like that to you?” I asked him. He shrugged.

We both sat up and watched the wave’s crash up against the shore. It felt like being by the ocean in Florida. The entire year, I was so sad that we weren’t going to Florida this year, and was even more depressed when I found out I was going to be spending the summer at Blake’s cottage, but at this moment, everything made sense. This is where I was meant to be.

“Next time I see Adam I’m going to kill him” he said, staring out at the water. I propped myself up on my elbows and smiled at his gesture.

“Only if I can help” I replied.

Blake turned to me and smiled, pecking my lips.

“I know a way to cheer you up” he told me. I smiled

“I’m already cheered up” I told him. Though I was still a little shaken up, I was defiantly not upset as much as I was ten minutes ago.

“I’m serious” he told me, looking into my eyes and smiled. I rolled my eyes. I had no idea what he wanted to do. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed playfully and laughed as he ran into the water and put me down.

“You know what I find funny,” I said to him. He shook his head. “How come we always end up in the water at one point or another?”

“It's your calling” he said to me smiling “I mean your part fish. You look it too”

I slapped his arm playfully and he smiled his perfect smile at me.

“But I’m serious” he told me “Ellie you were made to swim. Of course you would fall for someone in front of the water.”

I rolled my eyes. “Who said I’ve fallen for you?” I joked playfully. He looked at me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. Then he stopped and looked at me, smiling his devilish grin at me.

“That” he said “proves I’ve fallen for little Ellie, the girl next door.”

I blushed. It was the moment I was waiting for my entire life. Though, I never imagined it being sopping wet fully dressed in the middle of a lake, but it was perfect. Blake pecked me on the lips and then smiled at me.

“Now” he said holding out an arm for me. “How about I take you on a proper date.”  

so i hope you guys liked this part!! look out for part 4 which is going to be up in a few days. also, dont forget to check out enchanting. feel free to leave any comments or questions you have for me and i'll be sure to reply :D 

bonus Question for the readers! which actor/actress do you think best suits the roles of Ellie, Blake, Adam, Diana, Ellie's parents and any other characters mentioned? let me know in the comments :) i want to see how you guys see my characters :)

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