Chapter Seven: And Away We Go

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“get up!”

My light turned on and I pulled the covers over my head. the last thing I wanted to do was get up, and have to spend the next month at Blake Thomas’ Cottage.

My mother threw the covers off my face. I groaned and put my pillow over my face.

“Elena” she said sternly. My mother only called me by my full name when she was annoyed. Obviously, she too wasn’t happy to be up the early “were leaving in four hours”

“That’s plenty of time” I yawned “wake me up in three and a half”

“You have to pack!” I could feel her eyes glaring at me. “You’re the only one who’s not ready to leave!”

“Maybe because I only found out about the trip yesterday.” I pulled the covers off my face, and braced myself for the light, only it wasn’t light outside at all. I looked at my clock. It was 4:07am. I groaned. If we were leaving at 8, why did I have to be up at 4? I would understand if we had to catch a plane to get there, but we were driving down.

“I want you to start packing” my mother said “it’s going to be a hot month, so I suggest you pack light clothes.”

She walked out of my room, shutting the door behind her. I stumbled out of bed and walked over to the mirror. My hair was a mess, and starting to wave. I brushed through it, but it was poofing.

“Ugh!” I muttered to myself. I grabbed hair elastic and put my hair into two braids. At least it wouldn’t look like a Pom-Pom.

I threw on a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt before I started packing. I opened my closet to get the suitcase, when I found another one of my mother’s presents.

This time, the dress was light blue. It went off both the shoulders and tied around the waist. I never liked wearing dresses, but something about that dress appealed to me. Maybe it was the colour, or the texture, or everything about it put together. This dress was different from all the others she brought home for me.

“I don’t care if you won’t wear it” my mother told me “but please, please pack it on the trip! I promise you’ll get good use out of it”

“Actually,” I said, smiling. “I kind of like it”

“You do!” a huge smile crossed her face “I knew it! It said Ellie all over it! I hope you love it just as much as I do!” my mother gave me a big hug and pranced out of my room. I grabbed my suitcase and packed it safely at the bottom of the suitcase.

I opened my dresser and stared at it blankly, trying to decide on what I needed to bring.  I grabbed my stacked t-shirts and tanks and started sorting through them, picking out the ones I wanted to bring and the ones I didn't. I grabbed a few pairs of shorts, some sweatpants and jeans, and packed them away along with the shirts. By the time I finished packing, it was already 5:47.

I walked downstairs, pulling my suitcase. It was heavy, considering I had a month’s worth of clothes packed. I placed it by the front door and walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat, only to find my sister on top of the counter, kissing Max passionately.

“Ooh” I blurted out. Max and my sister both turned around sharply and stared at me.  My sister quickly jumped off the counter.

“We, we were ju-“she started, but I interrupted. “Diana, I’m not nine anymore.”

She smiled and looked at Max, who was flushing. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen.  Just as I was about to go up the stairs, I heard a knock on the front door. Before answering it, I peeked my head out the window to see Blake, waiting patiently for someone to answer the door. I opened the door and continued up the stairs. I could feel him watching me as I walked into my room and shut the door.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, only to open it and see Blake smiling. He walked into my room and headed towards my dresser, looking at all the pictures, including the ones of him and me. He picked one up and smiled.

“You know,” I started “when I didn't say hi to you at the door, most people would’ve gotten the message that I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Well,” he replied, putting the picture down. “I’m not most people. And at least I got you to talk to me.”

I gave him a look of annoyance, but he smiled it off. He walked closer to me, and my heart started pounding as he took my hand. I didn't want to feel this way, but I had no other choice. It was what I wanted. “But I didn't come up to apologize,” he stated “I came to tell you we’re leaving in any minute.”

My heart sunk. For a moment, a split second, I had actually thought obnoxious, heartless, Blake felt something for me. I should’ve known better.

I lashed away from him and stormed out of my bedroom and out of the house. My mother, sister and Mariah Thomas were chatting, as the dads loaded up the car.

“Ooh great!” my mother said, “your both here, we were just about to leave.”

I turned around to see Blake right behind me.

“Yes” said Mariah “now the adults can take our car, Diana and Max can take their own car, and that leaves Blake and Elena to take the truck.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. I thought to myself. Blake pulled his keys out of his pocket and walked towards his truck. I followed him, but maintaining a distance.

“Cant I just come with you?” I asked my mother. She shook her head. “I don’t know what’s going on with the two of you, but you better sort it out before we get to the cottage. There is no fighting on vacation.”

I sighed and continued making my way towards Blake’s truck.

“We’ll call you guys whenever we need to stop.” My father called “and stick behind us.”

 Blake nodded and opened the passenger door and I climbed in, ignoring him at all costs. He climbed into the driver’s seat.  We waited for my parents and Diana to pull out of the driveway before we headed towards the cottage.

We travelled in silence, the way I liked it, following our parent’s car down to the cottage. Though I’d never gone up to Blake’s cottage, I remember his countless hours of complaining how long and boring the drive was. I think he said it was nine hours or something.

I watched our parent’s car continue down the highway, but noticed Blake going off the ramp to the main dirt road.

“What are you doing?” I asked “our parents went straight”

“It’s faster this way” he informed me “I use to go up all the time in high school, I know what I’m doing Ellie. They’re going to hit traffic soon.”

I sighed and stared out the window, as we passed farm houses, cows and horses. I had no idea where we were, but I felt a need to trust Blake on this one. He did know his was to the cottage and I didn’t.

He turned down a dirt road and soon the farms disappeared and the forest enclosed us. The car bumped along the road, and I continued to not talk.

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