15|Half Ass Truth

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(Song of the chapter: "Company" By Justin Bieber)

Maya's P.O.V

  I placed my fingers on my lips where Shacquille lips were. His soft, supple lips, running over mine. His lips on my ne-I can't believe I forgave him.

   'C'mon Maya. You wanted to  forgive for a long while now.'  My subconscious sneered

   How the fuck am I going to tell Kyle? I stopped walking, as I see his head bobbing to music. He's coming this way.

   "Maya? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Kyle's voice pulled me out of my trance, lightly shaking me and I pulled away.

  I no longer felt comfortable around him. And I wouldn't force myself to.

  "Shacquille kissed me. Well, we kissed." I said, running my fingers slightly over my lips.

"He did, huh." He growled, abandoning me all together. "That little fucker is going to pay for this."

I leaned back into my locker and he  finally turns to me with his eyes blazing with anger. "How could you let him kiss you? I thought you said there was nothing between you two."

"Because there isn't." I said. Even though, I wish there would be. "Yea right. How you two behaved at the party Friday, I'm surprised you haven't whored out yourse-" I slapped him across the cheek.

"You're a fucking pig." I spat and he held his cheek, eyes blazing with anger. "And you don't get to call me a whore. Ever since Shacquille showed up, you've been absolutely different and I hate it. It's like you guys have a past, yet no one will tell me about it."

"We're over." He said roughly, stepping back from me, abandoning my question. 

And I nod, gripping my bag. I would be surprised if he said he was okay with it.

I should have felt free from his suffocation, but there was still a twinge of guilt and pain, because I had literally kissed someone else.

God, I'm a mess.

"I don't know why Anna-Kay made me date your ass. God, you're fucking pathetic. First sign of another man and you're opening your legs." He spat and my eyes widened.

He didn't just fucking say that. To me of all people. "Say that again Kyle. Oh my God." I cackled, cracking my knuckles.

"Say that to my fucking face so I can break yours. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" I swung at him and it caught him on his chin causing him to stumble.

I changed my mind. Was this the same guy who was so "in love" with me before?

"Do you think I'm some girl you think you could use and get what you want and it would be just like that?" He held his jaw gingerly.

"I knew something about you saying that you had liked me was fishy. Go to hell Kyle. I hope your dick falls off." And I walk away.

What the hell was that?


Classy, should have broken his nose though.

May your paths always stay lit, little stars✨~


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