Hunk: i can't take it anymore this... this thing thinks it has the right to just hurt my friends like this. No, if they have to through this i won't let them go through that alone. If it's my turn then fine.
Memories have been completed Hunk come
The image is fuzzy and unfocused but soon becomes clear. A young hunk can be seen covering his head shivering in fear and pain, being kicked and punched, speaking in different language. Other voices can be heard , they're the kids who are hurting hunk. They keep screaming insults and punches. He's alone in this world. Suddenly the punches stop, hunk peaks out his arms to see a tan boy on top of one of his bullies screaming in another language. The kids look crazed, the boy beneath him is nocked out bleeding and he goes to the others making sure they get what they deserve. The tan boy comes back to hunk and hunk freezes in fear wondering what the boy is going to do to him, but instead the tan boy pulls him up and hugs him, tell his that everything is going to be ok, hunk cries not sure if he should believe the stranger, but for once he want to, just this once he wants to believe this lance kid. Day 4, an older but still young hunk appears in a office, soon to realize that is a theory office, hunk sit's down on the chair as he talks to the theorist. The things hunk says is to much, i just need something to take this edge off, waste of achievement, I've given it my all but it's not enough, Things stated to escalate quickly once the therapist ask him how it made him feel once again, no one knew he had this anger in him, tears rolling down his face as curses at the therapist, hunk kneels down crying and screaming repeating two word over and over again, not enough, a group of people enter two holds hunk down while once knocks hunk out with a Taser as the scene fades. Day 3, 10 year old hunk is in a room on a bed staring at nothing, a knife is in his hand right at his arm. Hunk started cutting, first it was slow, as he dragged the knife, starting from his shoulders to his elbows and lower till he came to his wrist. Right when he was about to cut his life source, someone slammed the door ripping it of it's hinges breaking it in half. It was young lance, his face was filled with fear and worry, but when he saw hunk he it was pure horror. Running to hunk lance slaps him in the face, grabbing the knife from hunk lance begins to yell, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THNINK YOUR DOING HUNK, nothing lance, FUCK THAT, THIS ISN'T NOTHING HUNK, what do you know, what, I SAID WHAT DO YOU FUCKING KNOW, YOUR NOT THE ONE WITH ANXIETY, WITH DEAMONS IN THEIR HEAD NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO, EVERYTHING I DO ISN'T ENOUGH, I STILL GET BULLIED, I STILL GET HURT WHEN ALL I DO IS PUT OTHERS FIRST, I JUST WANT IT TO END!!, huh i guess you wouldn't now would you hunk, were in the same boat, i cut just like you, i don't want to see my only friend hurting themselves, i may be acting like a hypercritic but don't do this, ha funny coming from you lance, your as messed up as i am, SO DON'T BE LETURING ME ABOUT THIS- whoosh lance threw the knife he was holding to the side of the wall silencing hunk instantly, lance looks straight at hunks face as tears roll down his, well I'm sorry that you feel that way hunk, but know that when ever you feel like this please come to me, I'll show you a way to release those feelings, trust me. Lance then leaves hunk, giving him one last glance before looking at the knife he threw at the wall and looking at hunk, looking straight at hunks eyes, lance says one last thing before leaving, you choose hunk, me or the knife. Day 2, hunk is in black clothes with a crossbow in one hand and a sniper on his back, lance how is everything down there.... lance....LANCE,Not good big guy, ugh, I'm kind of in a pickle here but nothing to worry- LEO NOOO- LANCE, LANCE. Hunk then starts running ignoring the yells of his partner, once hunk enters the building he runs screaming lance's name, not caring if someone comes after him, he keeps entering rooms checking for his friends until he bursts into lance pointing his gun down the enemy, tears streaming down his face, the man looks identical to lance, hunk knew who he was. WHY, WHY ANGELO, WHY DID YOU DO THIS, Lance screams, tears running down his face. Well you see brother i'm sick and tired of you, sick and tired of the familia- SO YOU WHAT, DESIDED TO BETRAY US AND GO WITH THE ENEMY, YOU MAKE ME SICK!! YOU CAN'T KEEP BLAMING ME FOR YOU OR THE FAMILIA'S PROBLEMS BROTHER!! YOU ARE NO BROTHER OF MINE! Kill me, that's what you want isn't it, i just wish i killed you instead of Rebeca, but no matter, one less McClain -BANG- shut up. Lance..., as lance turns around hunk can see blood splattered on his face, his body is almost completely covered in blood and hunk thinks that it wasn't from Angelo. Lance were is she, ask hunk even though he knows she's not alive, he just needs to know, s-she's gone hunk, tears running down lance's face as hunk runs to him, holding tightly they both break down. Day 1, it's a sunny day, hunk is seen with lance have the time of their life, nothing seems wrong. BOOM!! A blast is heard in the background, making the ground shake, Lance and hunk stop everything and run to the direction of the sound. Once they reach there a hole is seen in what use to be a house, nothing can be saved , debris the blast left is barely recognizable. All hunk cares about is his mom and mamma, were are they, weren't here right, these questions running through his head as he dials one of his mom's phone, once she picks up you can see hunk let out a deep sigh as his shoulders hunch forward, he starts telling her what happened and asked her if she knows were mamma is,
She was in the house,
Hunk lost it, he lost his mamma, from a blast caused by a gang that wasn't even associated with them, the gang got the wrong house and hunk's mamma paid for it. They will pay... THEY'LL ALL PAY!! and they did
Memories have been completed Keith come
Not so sweet huh >:3, but dam that was long XD
2 faces -anxiety- therapy-demons -to my brother
Fanficlance hearts been broken multiple times he's been beaten so many times and you know what that's fine he loves his family, he loves his new space family but when a alien planets asked the team to show them there top 5 worst days of their life the who...