Chapter 3- Mate

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Draco POV

This summer I came into my creature inheritance as a Veela. The malfoy family have carried the gene for a long time. The signature blood hair is proof of this.

The process in not pleasant. It is extremely painful as your body is basically rewritten its own DNA. This causes body to change in a considerable way over a short period of time. Therefore pain.

At least throughout it all and I had my father, as well as my godfather Severus Snape. They both dragged me through it, and were my sanity and brick wall.

Veela also have lifemates. From the time we have our inheritance we can sense them. It's like a feeling in the back of our minds. We can also feel intense emotions from there side of the bond.

However before you meet your mate the Veela is in a state of unrest. The desire to have your mate and know they are out there, with the inability to see them is not a pleasant experience.

I could now sense my mate and my Veela was going mental. Insane even! He could feel my mates presence out there some where, however, I had no idea who it was until I came in contact with them.

The fear coming off my mate was intense, and strong, but the pain he was in was 10x worst, and I could do nothing. Nothing at all. But I swear that when I meet him, I protect him, no matter what.

However I feel hopeless. Here I am perfectly safe with my parents whilst my mate is in pain, and there is nothing I could do.

Hopefully I would find my mate at Hogwarts, or I would be forced to leave and hunt him down. I couldn't leave my little mate in pain much longer, but first I need to get a reign on everything, so then I could protect him. Whoever he is.

I just hoped that they wouldn't care who I was or about my reputation, including that of me being a Malfoy. I knew that if they went to Hogwarts I had probably insulted them at some point or what not, and that was because I had to keep up the strong facade.

This was because not everything was right in the Malfoy family. It was hectic. I would even go as far to say it was utter hell. Even that would be putting it lightly.

My mother, who did not even deserve that title is a total bitch, and self obsessed slut. All she care about is money and herself, the way she forced herself on my father while he was grieving the death of his mate was inhumane.

She basically raped my father, which resulted in her getting pregnant with me. Resulting in my father being stuck with bitch till I came of age.

That was the agreement my father had with Lord black, unless they produced another child he would be free of her when I became of age.

However, that bit of information was not told to her, so she thinks dad will always be under her skin, to bad for her, as it is about to bite her in the arse. DAD IS NOW FREE OF HER! So she better watch out, sweet revenge is coming her way.

Another round of pain knocked me off my feet. This caused me to topple over, so I ungracefully came in contact with the cold hard floor.

Severus quickly rushed over to me followed by my father who had been in the other room. Panic was consumed in the eyes, as they glanced over my body looking for any signs of injury.

Dad was the first to speak up, "Son. are you alright. What happened?" he questioned worriedly.

Not knowing how to explain this properly, I took some deep breaths, knowing that it was going to be hard to hold myself together.

I was worried about their reactions to the truth. I knew Sev childhood hadn't been pleasant and that this really was the last thing I wanted to inform them about. I looked into my father's eyes, and then Sev's. 

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