Chapter 5- train of pain

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Draco POV

Carefully, I made my way down the train, following my mates beautiful scent. It was leading me to the very back of the train, where most people other than some older Slytherins didn't sit. How weird!

The scent seemed to stop outside the very last compartment, at the very back of the train. From what I could tell, only my mate was in the compartment; as much as that made it easier, I was beginning to question the reason my mate all alone. When another round of pain struck me.

Not taking the time to think, or even consider the consequences of my actions, I barged through the door. I was determined to help my mate; instincts had kicked in. It was not normal, not normal at all. Especially on train, why would he be so afraid and in so much pain.

My eyes darters around the compartment, until they landed on the form of my mate. The sight was indescribable.

Frozen to the very spot, I glared upon a very unexpected sight, a sight that was totally heartbreaking.

I was going to kill the sorry inhumane person, who decided that my mate deserved such treatment. He was too small. Too hurt. How could anyone willing do this to a child.

They would know no mercy when I was done with them.

Pain consumed me. I gritted my teeth and bared it. I was only feeling a fraction of his pain.

I scanned the figure using my eyes, and saw the most deplorable sight in my life and boy had I seen a lot, after all, I was a Malfoy. Yet, nothing quite prepared me for what laid before me.

Using my heightened sense of smell. I could smell both fresh and old blood on the form of my unconscious mate.

He was a mangled mess. It was truly horrid that someone could even do this to a child and feel no remorse. They were monsters. Monsters of the worst type.

He had a mop of black hair that lined his head, which looked like silk. It looked so soft, that I just wanted to bury my hand in there, and get lost,

Suddenly, he started to aggressively shake in his seat. Uncontrollable fits seem to take his body like he was under the Crucio Curse. He was having a nightmare.

Panicking, I rushed towards his convulsing form, determined to help.

Examining him, I noticed who the person was ... Harry Bloody Potter!

It didn't make sense. He has always been securely in the grip of the manipulative Dumbledore, as well being keep in place by his so called friends; the mudblood and the blood traitor. So where were they?

Surely Dumbledore would have his golden boy living in the lap of luxury. That was what everyone had been told anyway.

He was the golden boy, he couldn't have had a mask all this time could he, because that would mean everything I thought I knew was a lie.

It would mean he had fooled the entire wizarding world, and surely no gryffindor could do that.

I don't care that it was Harry. It was obvious that I didn't really know him. He wasn't who I thought he was.

The only thing that mattered to me was that I was going to have to work really hard to gain his trust, and make up for all those times I was horrid part to him. It would be worth it thou.

Being extremely careful, I gentle picked him up. He barely weighted anything, it was like I was picking up a toddler.

That really scared me. To be that light couldn't be healthy for a teenager. I knew from listening to Sev that malnutrition could have dangerous long term effects on the body, that could take years to recover from of ever.

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