Chapter 7- Awakening and apologises

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Harry POV

The eyes were the piercing silver that could only belong to one other...... Draco Malfoy!

Panic seized up within me as I realised that my rival was seeing me in such a weak state. How he would taunt and use it against me, and reveal my embarrassment in front of the entire school. I just had to get away. Away before more was revealed.

I didn't need another reason for the school to hate me and the papers to make fun of me. Wasn't my life already hard enough.

Rushing to get myself free and sit up, the world took one giant leap and twirl, leaving me light headed, dizzy, scared, confused, and most of all.... vulnerable.

Hands reached out and touched my bare skin, making me flinch as a result. Pain flared to life as I scrambled back like a wild animal, caught in a corner. I couldn't seem to gather my bearings and mask my emotions and reactions quick enough.

Confusion bounced around inside of me, as to why my bare skin was on show at all. I knew for certain that when I enter the train early, into my compartment, that I was complete and utterly covered. So why wasn't I now?

For a couple of seconds, I took my fearful eyes off of Draco and glanced down on myself. Horrifically all I was in was my boxers, I could see the scars and bruises on my skin, which where out for everyone else could see. However, I did notice that all my major injuries were healed, and a lot of my larger, darker scars were slightly less noticeable at first glance.

I also noticed that there was a small tattoo on my wrist. The tattoo of a triangle, with a circle within it, and a line going through the centre.

The dream hadn't been a dream after all. Then what did it truly mean, and what did he mean that he had adopted me? Nothing makes sense! I would work that out later, I had bigger issues to deal with at the moment thou.

A unknown figure moved in the corner of my vision. Not an another person to see my humiliation, let alone me without my gryffindor mask. Why does this year have to be the year that everything goes wrong?

I had always been so careful to make sure no one saw anything other than what I wished.

Glancing at this mysterious figure, I notice it was Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape. The next two worst people to see me in this state. Two people who seem to unconditionally hate me.

I curled up into a ball, not caring about the unrelentlessly pain that seemed to shoot through me at same precise moment of time.

In the mist of pain, I cautiously  lifted my eye up looking around the carriage when nothing happened. With confusion, I looked at Draco who seemed to be casting a helpless pleading look towards the two older adults within the compartment.

What was there to be helpless about? He seemed perfectly fine to me, and so does his father and Severus. There was nothing for him to be that desperate and helpless about from what I could see. It just didn't make any sense.

Nothing seemed to make any sense! Why weren't they taunting me and making me plead for them not tell. Or using it to gain a favour eo that I then owe them something, and they have something to hold above my head for future use?

I watched as Draco seemed to gather himself once more, before reaching out with his pale, untouched, floorless skin, with an elegance only Draco could seem to master. I had always been curious about the way he seems to hold himself. With a strength that seemed untouchable and unbreakable.

Everything within me screamed to run, to get away from the attack that was sure to come. After all, no one touched me in a gentle manner, unless they were trying manipulate me or use me for their own uses. I wasn't use to being touched in a comforting way that he seemed to be trying to portray. Most of the times any form of touch was just an attack which equaled pain.

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