Chapter 4- Let the hunt begin

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Harry POV

"Here we are freak!" My uncle said with glee.

But not before pushing me out of the car with hard thud, resulting in me face planting the all so beautiful floor. Note the sarcasm.

He then proceeded to throw my cases out of the car, on to the floor. Some of them even landed on me. Resulting in a moan of pain escaping from my lips. I guess it was good thinking and  luck on my part that Hedwig was flying to school. Otherwise I am sure she should of been hurt at one point.

I heard my entire so called family - I would probably be better off with Satan then them- laughing at their accomplishment. They really were sick in the mind, finding pleasure from my pain.

For all the wanted to please perceived as normal. They dont think about how their action reflect on them, not that anyone noticed, but if they did they would be the lowest of society.

Carefully, I picked myself off of the floor, and started to organize my luggage and look for a trolley. There is no way that I would be able to carry everything for the year by myself.

As I began to move, every step felt like needles were piercing very inch of my bare flesh. The stupid punishment that had been inflicted into me yesterday for accidental magic was still fresh and oozing.

It wasn't my fault I used accidental magic, for god sake, besides my aunt knew what she was getting into from the beginning. I mean she had grown up with mum who was a witch, she knew that emotions effected magic.

Hell, I still don't truly get why they took me in. For or their complaining and abuse, along with there desire to be normal you would think they would have just refused to take me in.

Grabbing a trolley, which luckily happened to only be a few feet away, I slowly started to shift my suitcases onto the trolley, neatly.

Taking my time, I gradually dragged the trolley awkwardly towards platform 9 3/4. Moving at a really slow pace, I guess it was lucky that I arrived here early after all, as it meant I would not have to rush and fear damaging my already fragile body.

Stopping just outside the platform entrance, I made sure all my glamours were properly in place, so no one would suspect anything, before walking onto the platform.

When I stepped onto the platform, I noticed it was deserted, even luckier for me then, as I couldn't be asked to deal with people right now. I just wasn't in the mood at all.

I already felt snappy and agitated. It really didn't help the fact that at any moment I felt like I was literally going to topple over. What I really needed was some decent sleep, and an anti-Hermione and anti-Ron zone. Yep that was exactly what I needed and planned to get.

I couldn't deal with all their nagging, questions and damn right hypocrisy. They were two-faced. I had caught them at the end of last year spread horrible rumours about me.

Nice to my face with another opinion behind my back. Not even taking in Ron jealousy and hermione need to always be right. Whenever she wasnt she would fall out with me when I contradicted her. That isn't how true friends should act.

And lets bot even go into how they were reporting my actions to Dumbledore like I was a toddler who needs monitoring.

After all Hermione and Ron had crossed me one too many times, and I was fed up now. Fed up of having pretending to be someone I am not and having make believe friends, who only wish to boss me about.

After what seemed like many agonising hours, when in reality it had in fact been minutes, I had finally placed my luggage in the last compartment, at the very end of the train.

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