Chapter 1

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Sophia POV

I was walking the busy streets of New Orleans heading to work

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I was walking the busy streets of New Orleans heading to work. I work for NCIS and I was on my phone texting my brother Jay. When all of a sudden I bumped into someone I nearly fell until I felt someone grab my arm to keep me up. I looked up and saw a blond guy.

"I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said

" No it was my fault I was trying to find my friends." The Guy said

" Thanks for stopping me from falling" I said

"Your welcome" He said

Before I could say anything  my phone rang. I answered it.

"Hello" I said

"Sophia it's Pride petty officer  was found dead  this morning as soon as your in the squad room I need you to do a deep dive on our victim" Pride said

"Will do Pride" I said

I hung up and looked up to find the guy gone.

I headed towards the squad room.

I was at my desk going over the victims history. When Pride walked in with LaSalle and Percy.

"Hey Guys " I said

"Hey" Percy said

"So what have we got on our vic" Pride said looking at me

"Not much 28 years Petty officer  Michael  Williams he was  meant to be visiting a his girlfriend but he never turned up. There is nothing on his record as far as I can see nobody had a bad word to say about him." I said

A couple hours later

We were chasing the suspect Petty Officer John Bishop LaSalle and I spit up we were in an abandon Building. I went around  a corner when all of a sudden I got kicked in the gut I dropped my gun and I got a couple more kicks to my ribs and my gut. I finally got the upper hand knocked Bishop on the floor. Pride, LaSalle and Percy all came towards me LaSalle put the cuffs on Bishop.

" Are you Okay" Pride asked me

" I am fine just a little winded " I said

" You are still getting checked out no matter what Percy go with her to make sure she gets checked out " Pride said

" Got it" Percy said

After heading to the the hospital and finding out I had bruised Ribs. Percy and I head towards Pride's Bar . We walked over to the team.

"We heard what happened are you okay" Loretta Asked

"I am fine just  Bruised ribs no need to worry" I said

" We are family its our job to worry. " Sebastian said

I smiled at them.

" Thank you. I am going to get a drink" I said

I got up to get a drink when I bumped into someone again. I looked up and saw the blond guy.

" We are starting to make this a habit " He said

"I know I never caught your name this morning" I said

" Sorry about that my name is Macgyver  but call me Mac what you about you." Mac said

I smiled at him.

" My name is Sophia Halstead" I said

" Hey Mac you ready we have to go" Some guy said

I looked at Mac and the guy looked at me.

" Jack this is Sophia, Sophia this is Jack. I met Sophia this morning "  Mac said

"Nice to meet you" Jack said

" You to" I said

" We  have to go it was nice meeting you" Mac said and Jack grabbed him and left.

Authors note.

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