Chapter 2

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Sophia POV

I got up the next morning but could not forget about Mac just something about him. I have day off from work but I get board easily. So I got ready and decided to take a walk. I was in town when I heard shouting I grabbed my gun I saw Mac's Friend Jack and Women get put into a boot of a car. I saw Mac try to run after the car but it was no use. I ran up to him.

"Hey What the hell " I asked

"I can't really explain it now " He said

"Mac  I am not going any where until you tell me what the hell just" I said

He didn't answer instead he was texting someone on his as soon as his phone beeped he turned to me.

"Come with me and I will explain everything I promise" He said looking at me

"Fine" I said

We got into a car and drove to a house we walked in the house  and I saw women  I didn't know.

"Is this her " The women said

"Yes Sophia this is Matty, Matty  this is Sophia Halstead. " Mac said

"Nice to meet " I said while shaking everybody's hands

"You are probably wondering what's going on Special Agent NCIS Halstead" Matty said

I looked at her confused.

"How did you know I work for NCIS." I said

"Well as soon as Mac told me he was bringing you here. I did a background check on you to make sure you could be trusted with what you are going to be told." Matty said

"What the hell is going on " I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Okay we all work for secret government organization called the Phoenix Foundation, Matty is the directer of Phoenix I work with Jack we are part of a team" Mac said

"So I am going to assume Jack and that women being kidnapped is something to with a mission " I said

"You are right before joining Phoenix Foundation Jack was CIA. He had aliases called Duke Jacoby which he used here in New Orleans. The name resurfaced a couple of days ago. The three of us came here to find out who was using his name we found it was the blond women you saw get put into a car with Jack. " Matty said

I looked around and saw a guy handcuffed to a chair.

"Who's he " I said pointing to the guy

"That is one of the guys who attacked Jack and I.  We are hoping we might get something out of him on where they where taking " Mac said

I stood while watching Matty interrogated the man. My phone rang it was my older Brother Jay.

" I have to take this " I said getting up and walking into the back garden of this house

I answered my Phone.

" Hey Jay what's up" I said

"Nothing Much Will wanted me to call you" He said

"Why is there anything wrong" I asked

"Nothing is wrong. Will is planning to proposes to Natalie and wants to use Mom's ring but he just wants to make sure it is okay with you. He would have called himself but he had work and didn't want to get caught" Jay said

"That is amazing of course it's fine I love Natalie." I said

Then all of a sudden there was a loud noise and glass breaking.

"What was that " Jay said

"It was LaSalle he dropped a plate on the ground " I said

"Alright I will leave you to it " He said while chuckling

"Bye Bro and tell Will Good luck" I said

"Will do sis bye" He said

I hung up and walked and saw Matty, Mac and the suspect just disappeared.

"Great " I said

I decided to head back to my place. Just going over about today's  events. I changed into my Pajamas and sat on my couch.

After a while there was a knock on my door.I opened it and saw Mac standing there. I let him in.

"What are you doing here and how did you know where I live " I said

"I had a friend of mine find where you live and I wanted to say sorry for first of all bringing you into all of this and for Matty and I going while you where on the phone." He said

"It's fine did you find Jack"I asked

"Yes he and Dawn are both safe" He said

I then saw he hands bandaged.

"What happened " I said pointing to his hands

"Jack was locked into a coffin and it was being cremated so I pulled the coffin with my bare hands. Probably not my best idea" He said

"You think " I said while giggling a little

"I better go our planes leaves soon" He said He got up and about to open the door

"Wait" I said

He looked at me confused

"Look I may have only met you yesterday and today I found out  you work for a secret government organization and yet I still just have this weird feeling if I let you walk out of my door I might never see you again. I don't know something about you that I really like." I said 

Before I could say anything Mac came up to me and kissed me. We pulled apart.

" Can I have your phone for a sec" He said

"Sure" I said and handed him my phone he typed something

"I just put my number in you phone and sent  myself a text so I have your's.  I live LA but as you can see my job takes me a lot of different places. I like you to maybe we can take this slow you and I " He said while smiling at me

"I like that idea " I said while smiling at him

"I will see you soon" He said

"Bye " I said kissing him on the cheek and he left I head to bed just thinking about Mac.

Hey guys here is a new update hope you like it. There might be bit of a timeskip. Please vote if you like it :)

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