Chapter 1: Into The Game

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“Hey Kai! Over here!” A Girl shouted. She was one of Kai’s best friends. Rima, appearance much like a princess from Disney. Often attracting boys with her model-like looks: long blonde hair with a yellow bobble containing it, shining blue eyes that brought the reflection of the ocean, a beautiful figure. She stood next to the bulletin board displaying all the information about form groups and subject rooms.

“Good morning Rima.” Kai said rushing to her side.

“Looks like we’re in the same class again Kai! Even better Minori’s there too!” Rima shouted, smiling.

    Minori was another one of Kai’s precious buddies, with Rima being quite flashy and loud. Minori was more similar to Kai as she was shy and often only talked around friends. She also shared the traits of soft black hair although it was shorter than Kai’s.

    The school bell rang loudly throughout the whole school as it signalled the start of the day. Rima and Kai arrived at their form room door.

“I was so excited I forgot to check who else is in our class. Maybe some new students joined.” Rima said.

Kai nodded and they opened the door, many unknown faces sat scattered throughout the room. Some familiar faces too waved at Kai and Rima but truly waiting there was Minori.

“MI-NO-RI!!!!” Rima shouted.

Minori jumped slightly as she was startled and slightly embarrassed.

“Shush Rima! Everyone’s looking at us.” She said.

She was right, everyone was staring at Rima looking quite surprised.

    “To your seats students!” The teacher shouted as she walked into the classroom. “Alright, I think first we should all introduce ourselves. I’m Miss Ika.”

“Rima here!” as her hand flew up like a rocket.”

“I’m Kai, nice to meet you all.”

“I-I’m Minori. Please t-take care of me.”

The pleasantries proceeded when in the midst Kai noticed something had changed. She looked at Rima who had “<Lvl 3> School Idol” above her head. Out of confusion she asked Rima.

“What’s that on top of your head Rima? Why does it say Lvl 3 or whatever?”

“What the heck are you talking about Kai? Are you playing pranks on me again?” Rima replied.

Kai looked puzzled as Rima stared at her.

“It’s nothing, I think I’m just going a bit crazy heh…”

She looked towards the teacher who had <Lvl ???> above her head, Kai noticed that this wasn’t her imagination and that she had been engulfed into some kind of game.   

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