Chapter I: Bright Light's Life Begins

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The next day, after the death ceremony Briar Pool began heaving and out came her first golden vixen. The golden pup took one breath of air and then collapsed, dying. It soon lie still never to get up and to know the world around it. Briar Pool gave one more huff and the other little pup cried, then took a drink of warm sweet milk coming from somewhere, it trickled down her chin and tasted sweet as it trickled into her mouth. After the second pup was born Little Song took out the other pups' body and gave it sadly to Tree Heart who took the body out of the camp and to the burial sight to mourn for the loss of his pup and to bury her.

_______Two Weeks Later_______

"Mommy, why do I have to stay in the nursery I am two weeks old, and I want some fox to play with please can I go out?" the little pup had begged her mom eagerly when she had first gotten her sight, which had been two weeks after she was born because in the first two weeks the pup had either not been able to see yet or didn't see in color. No answer came from the little pup's mother, but the little pup was still, so curious about knowing what to do especially in a world that was completely new, and scary to the little pup. Later that day the little pup's father came in to the nursery to see her for the first time since burying his other daughter whose life he was still grief stricken over.

"Why don't we name our daughter after all we need the most perfect name for her since she has a rare colored pelt. How about Bright?" Tree Heart, the father of the pup asked Briar Pool as soon as he had seen his new pup for the first time and she was absolutely beautiful.

"Yes, that is a lovely name especially for a pup of her color, which is a rare pelt color indeed," Briar Pool replied in turn as she turned to rub her cheek on her mates' for she loved him more than anything in the world. The next day, Bright was shaking with delight as she met the other pups in the nursery who she could play with because she had never had a sister or brother to play with. Turtle and Sorrel, two of the older pups in the nursery took Bright on a tour the next day to show her around the camp, so she would get a better understanding of it. Bright had to scamper to keep up with the older pups because their legs were longer than her skinny shorter ones. Then all of a sudden Turtle and Sorrel started fighting right in the middle of their tour, and Bright was clueless about knowing how to stop them.

"Hey, I wanted to show her the Healers' den! After all, the night before she was born two of our best Healer's died and she should learn how to honor them!" Bright heard Turtle shout at Sorrel who had wanted to take Bright to see the Dark Cliff, which had always been named after the leader of the Range whether the leader had had a good name or not. Bright always had wondered what it would be like to have littermate of her own, but her sister had died at their birth, and Briar Pool had never told her why she had died. Or that she died. Bright had had to figure that out on her own with a little help from Little Song and her father. Bright looked at the two older pups and let out a sigh of boredom for she wanted to get on with the tour, and see the camp, but the other two pups wouldn't stop fighting or thinking about themselves. Dark Breeze had seen what was happening and walked over to them. She gave Turtle and Sorrel a stern look. Quietly, Turtle and Sorrel calmed down. Dark Breeze then gave Bright a look of affection because she was such a precious pup, very few white foxes were ever born.

"Now Turtle and Sorrel, since you are older than Bright, give her that tour that you promised her without fighting about where to take her because if I am right you can take her to both of those places, and this is how you will show her around the camp you will first take her to the apprentice den, then to the Rankings' den, then to the to the Elders' den, then the Leaders' den, and last is the most important den of all the Healers' den. You shouldn't put poor Bright through all of your fighting after all she doesn't have any siblings, and seeing you two fight might be really hard on her," Dark Breeze stated to Sorrel and Turtle and than gave Bright a look of sympathy because she in the past had friends who didn't have siblings, and she knew how hard it could be without. As the leader walked off, the three pups formed a line with Sorrel in the front and Bright in the back. When Bright came to a stop with her friends, it was at the apprentices' den just like Dark Breeze had ordered Turtle and Sorrel to do.

A Foxes Journey Book One: Bright Light's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now