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MountainRange Allegiances

Leader: Dark Breeze- Red vixen with a blackfoot and black tipped tail

Deputy: Moss Fur- Red tod with patches of brown tufted fur

Healer (s) : Tawny Whisker- Tawny colored vixen with green eyes

Leaf Song- Orange tod with a white belly

Apprentice, Little Paw

Storm Foxes: ( Survivors)

Leader: Tree Heart- Beige tod with green eyes

Holly Berry- Orange vixen with a graceful balance

Apprentice, Ginger Paw

Turkey Feather- creamy colored tod

Briar Pool- An orange vixen with a black tipped tail

Faith Song- a golden orange vixen

Echoing Cave- silvery gray and black vixen

Black Fur- Black vixen with silver eyes 

Ice Foxes: ( Warriors)

Leader: Storm Leaf- Tiny black tod with green eyes

Ice Tail- Blue-gray tod with bright ice blue eyes

Owl Beak- brown colored tod with a cream muzzle

Lightning Pelt- Gray vixen with one black sock

Shining River- Crystal colored vixen

Raining Storm- Blue gray and red vixen

Dove Flight- Gray vixen with blue eyes and stripes

Sleet Foxes: ( Hunters)

Leader: Shining Pebbles- Sage-colored vixen

Rain Shower- Gray tod

Smooth Boulder- beige tod with blue eyes

Apprentice, Fire Paw

Leaf Fur- A creamy brown vixen with black ears

Rocky Cliff- dust-colored vixen

Holly Tail- small gray and white vixen

Bird Wing- Creamy tan vixen with golden eyes

Hail Foxes: (Scouts and Fighters)

Leader: Doe Leap- Black and gray tod

Apprentice, Tiny Paw

Funneling Cloud- Tiny black tod

Ant Leap- Dark tod with a black tail

Blue Flower- a beautiful golden vixen with blue eyes

Dust Storm- a tan and beige vixen

Feather Heart- small gray and white vixen

Cherry Fur- Creamy tan vixen with pine green eyes

Lion Claw- Handsome golden tod with blue eyes

Sage Tree- Sage colored tod with amber eyes 

Bold (s): (Lowest ranking fox or foxes)

Lavender Whisker- Gray vixen with a speckled coat and blue eyes

Pool Shine- Silver-and-white vixen

Apprentice, Aspen Paw

Pup-Mothers: (Any Vixens expecting or nursing pups)

Briar Pool- An orange vixen with a black tipped tail, expecting Tree Heart's pups

Lightning Pelt- Gray vixen with one black sock, mother expecting Little Jay(Deceased) 's pups: Sage, (Dark vixen), Alder, (Handsome black tod) and Night (Handsome dark tod with a white tipped tail)

Leaf Fur- A creamy brown vixen with black ears, mother to Funneling Cloud's pup: Sorrel (gray vixen), and taking care of an abandoned pup: Turtle (brown vixen with green eyes)

Blue Flower- a beautiful golden vixen with blue eyes, expecting Smooth Boulder's pups


Tiny Paw- tiny brown vixen

Ginger Paw- ginger vixen

Fire Paw - fiery orange tod

Aspen Paw- silver tod


Kestrel Breeze- beige vixen 

A Foxes Journey Book One: Bright Light's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now