Chapter 7: "supersonic hearing."

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Chapter 7
Supersonic hearing






"Someone turn that goddamn tap off properly before I rip it out of the sink and shove it down someone's throat."

My sudden outburst manages to shock my three friends, one of them running to turn the tap off out of pure fear. As Chad fumbles with the tap in the kitchen, Allison and Brett stare at me weirdly.

"Okay, I know you have that weird supersonic hearing thing since you're a mother and all, but that was a tiny bit creepy." Allison says quietly, making sure Chad doesn't hear, since as far as he knew, I frequently looked after Jace since my mother worked a lot.

Ever since Jace was born, my senses have become a hundred times more sensitive to everything. I can hear the slightest of sounds and notice the smallest things out of place.

It's not unnatural, I've read online that this happens to a lot of first time mothers as it is a basic instinct to look after their child. However, it's a blessing and a curse as I can hear things i don't want to hear at the worst of times, such as the sound of three other people breathing in the house as I'm trying to sleep.

Chad walks back into the room slowly, as if I would burst upon hearing his footsteps. I roll my eyes and finally concentrate on the movie we're watching, Transformers: The Last Knight. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit disappointed that they had changed all the characters, but the movie wasn't that bad. It was actually quite good.

After the movie, and an intense debate about whether or not Mark Wahlberg was better than Shia LaBeouf, Jace starts crying. Usually this wouldn't be a problem since this was his feeding time, except he wouldn't stop crying. At all.

I held him, I bounced him, I fed him, I walked with him, but he wouldn't stop. We all tried, but it seemed as if nothing was working.

"Jace please, I am begging you, stop crying. I'll give you anything. What do you want? Cake? Toys? Pizza?" I plead with him, but to no avail. He carried on wailing, and if I didn't know it was him I would have thought the police were driving past.

I feel his forehead, only to find that he's burning up. No wonder he keeps on crying. I start panicking as he's never been so sick before.

"Allison! He's burning up! What do I do?" I ask as I gently rock him.

"I don't know! I've never had a kid before! Call your mom!" She shouts back at me. Smart idea. I should've done that first. I grab my phone and call my mom, listening impatiently as it rings a few times before she picks up.

"Hi sweetie! How are you?" She asks kindly.

"Hey mom, I'm good but Jace has fallen sick. What do I do? His forehead's burning up and he won't stop crying." She stays silent for a few moments before speaking up.

"Okay, keep him warm but not too warm, and get some medicine from the pharmacy for him." She tells me the names of some medicines which I repeat to Brett, asking him to get them for me. He agrees and leaves.

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