Chapter 10: "oh, shit."

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Chapter 10
"oh, shit."

Jayden Thomas was never one to let a woman control him. He loved women, appreciated their beauty, their body, everything about them. But he was always in control of his feelings, never getting attached, and when any woman got too attached he let them go, gently of course, he wasn't cruel, but never letting them get in too deep, letting them think of him as a pretty face and skilled in bed.

He revelled in the attention he received from women, never getting offended when he was rejected, which wasn't often, and always kept that easy going grin in place, along with that dimple he knew drove girls crazy.

When he first saw Thalia Harper he assumed she was playing hard to get, letting him think she wasn't interested before throwing herself at him. He respected women, and if Thalia wasn't interested he would have left her alone. He would've found someone else to go home with that night and keep him occupied.

Except, that wasn't how the night went. It was as if there was a magnet inside him, drawing him closer to her every time she tried pushing him away. She was an enigma, impossible to solve and see the bigger picture. But he was never one to turn a puzzle down, and so he tried to fit the pieces together, only to find half of them missing. And he vowed to find the other half.

And so that night he left the bar alone, thinking about the girl in the plaid shirt and grey beanie who's ocean blue eyes he couldn't seem to get out of his head.

Another thing Jayden Thomas wasn't expecting were feelings. He didn't know what they were, he only knew that they made his heart race every time Thalia Harper came into view, and made his heart clench every time her soft looking lips turned down into a frown.

He presumed these feelings were the same as those he had the first night he had seen her, imagining her long legs which were clad in those tight black jeans bare, wrapped around his waist as he held her, her plaid shirt thrown somewhere in the corner of the room as they kissed each other senseless, one of her hands holding his face, the other running down his bare chest.

But these feelings weren't the same, they were different, stronger, making his heart hurt every time she wasn't near him. These feelings were the reason he sought her out after missing her brothers birthday party, because although he had missed the parties of countless girls without any reason, there was this voice inside his head that told him she needed to know why he couldn't make it.

"If you didn't want to come you could have just said so instead of having Caleb tell me you couldn't make it halfway through."

He felt an ache in his chest as she said this, partly due to her bitter tone and partly because he did want to come, but he couldn't leave the she-devil alone at his apartment. She would probably set up cameras and mics in his apartment had he left her alone, monitoring whoever entered and left it, or snooped around, poking her nose in business that wasn't hers.

He apologised, and he couldn't explain the feeling of relief that flowed through him as she accepted his apology, smiling that beautiful smile that lit up her face and made him feel all warm and tingly inside.

But then the she-devil came and ruined the moment, and though everyone saw the beautiful woman on the outside, he knew the vicious beast that lived inside, waiting to attack it's prey.

He kissed her on impulse, didn't let himself think about it because he knew if he had then he would have backed out, and a new warmth flooded him, making his chest tingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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