Chapter 5: "all the cool guys have names beginning with J, dont they?"

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Chapter 5
All the cool guys have names beginning with J, don't they?

Where the hell am I?

My vision was blurred for a moment, my eyesight taking a moment to come back to me. When my vision comes back to me, I take a look around, inspecting my prison.

The room was quite big, with a huge floor to ceiling window on my right and three doors. That makes four escape routes, five if I count breaking the floor and jumping down.

The room looked slightly lived in, with a shirt strewn on the floor and a single shoe next to the bed. There was a study table next to the door on my left with a few books and pens.

Okay, so it wasn't really a prison, but I couldn't be too sure without inspecting the rest of this strange place.

I started sweating profusely and quickly checked under the sheets, sighing in relief when I realised I had my clothes from last night. Was it last night? I couldn't tell how long I had been here.

My head was pounding, the angry man inside banging my skull with a hammer to escape from the confines of my mind. I looked to the left and saw a glass of water and two pills next to it. I sat up and lifted the glass, sniffing the water for anything suspicious, but realising that I didn't even know what drugs smelt like, I left it to the side and decided to just deal with the angry man in my head.

I lifted the sheets and stood up from the bed onto the cold hardwood floor, taking a moment to balance myself on my unsteady legs. What the hell had happened last night?

I make my way to the door directly across the bed and opened it, finding myself in a bathroom. I look at my reflection in the mirror and sighed.

I looked like shit.

At least my captor had left me a hair brush to deal with the nest on my head. I brush out my hair, albeit difficultly, before tying it into a messy bun with the hair band on my wrist. Seeing that there's no toothbrush, I rinse my mouth out about fifty times until it feels cleaner than before. I head out of the bathroom into the bedroom and decide to look through the drawers first. They seemed relatively normal, with a few t-shirts and trousers in them. I turned towards the second door next to it and opened it to find a huge walk in closet. There were shirts and suits of all different brands and colours, and I found the pair of the other shoe lying on the floor.

I then decided to open the last door on the left. I open it slowly to find myself in a hallway with a dark wood floor. The wall lamps lit up the hallway and I decide to go left, since that's where a bright light was coming from.

My feet pad down the cold floor until I reach a set of stairs which lead me to a huge sitting room and lounge area. I see a figure sitting on the sofa watching tv, turning around when they hear my footsteps.

It was Jayden.

"Hey sleepyhead! Finally up?" He says, but it seems kind of forced, as if he's holding something back.

"What am I doing here? Where am I? What happened last night?" I ask him.

"You're at my place. There was a... problem last night." He doesn't elaborate what kind of problem.

"What happened?" I press him. But then I remember Jace. "Where's my phone." I demand in a panic, needing to hear that he's alright. I had left him with Chris since I knew he wasn't going anywhere last night, but I didn't expect to stay out all night. Jayden looks at me, confused at my panicking.

"It's here, I charged it for you." He says while handing me my phone. I grab it and instantly dial Chris, needing to check up on them.

"Thalia? Where the hell are you? You've been gone all night!" I hear him exclaim upon picking up.

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