Chapter 3

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  We all rushed to the hospital. When Tony came rushing in the house out of breath, he collapsed on the floor from running straight from the store. I couldn’t help the involuntary scream I let out. Joey had gotten into an accident, he was supposed to be with Colton but they got separated somehow. Thomas is on the phone with Colton right now, he said he was going to meet us there.

 “How did this happen?” demanded Eric as he drove, gripping the steering wheel tight enough that he was drifting in the lane. I put my hand on his arm trying to calm him down.

 “Eric relax, we’ll get into an accident too if you keep driving like this.” I said softly.

 “Colton doesn’t even know, all he saw was Joey getting loaded into the ambulance.” Said Thomas, gripping his hair between his fingers.

 “What was Colton even doing to get him separated in the first place?” Angie asked, looking at the rest of us.

 “I don’t know, the expo they were at wasn’t even that crowded. So it couldn’t have been anything crazy.” Anthony looked up from his phone. I shrugged.

 “There’s Colton right there, c’mon!” We jumped out of the SUV when Eric pulled up to the hospital, and all of us ran straight up to the front desk asking about Joey. It took a whole lot of convincing, and almost unleashing Thomas onto the front desk lady, but we were able to go see Joey. 

 “You should have let me say something!” huffed Thomas as we walked to Joey’s room.  Angie snorted.

 “And let you sass her and get us kicked out? I don’t think so.”

 “Okay, here’s his room.”  Said Colton, walking in first. “Hey bro, you doing okay?” Joey was laying in the hospital bed looking a little battered but still in one piece.

 “I’m tough enough to take a few hits!” grinned Joey, seeming to be in good spirits.

 “A few hits? A display at the expo fell on you.” I raised my eyebrow at his chart.

 “I’m still goo—”

 “You broke your collarbone.” I continued, but Eric covered my mouth, giving me a look.

 “Anyway.” Anthony quickly said, getting Joey’s attention. “How are you feeling man?” Joey nodded stiffly.

 “Not bad. Bet I can still kick your ass at football.” Colton smiled.

 “I’ll take that bet.” Angie and I shook our heads as the other guys dished on Colton and Anthony.

 “I think we should go, we might get testosterone poisoning.” I whispered to Angie, pushing Eric a bit so I could get free.

 “Yeah, let’s get some soda or something.”

 “Oh God, the Dr. Pepper withdrawals are real!” I softly whined.

 “Dr. Pepper?” Angie chuckled a little bit.

 “It’s a Texas thing. One of the few things you don’t mess with when it comes to me.”   Angie shrugged and we went to the cafeteria to get our sodas. We sat at the dining area and chatted a little bit, not realizing the time getting away from us. We didn’t realize how late it had gotten until Thomas called Angie to find out where we were, sending Eric to come get us.

 “There you two are, we’re leaving. Joey, Colton and Thomas already left.” We looked up and saw Eric coming down the hall, waving his arm for us to get up.

 “We’re coming we’re coming!” I half yelled, lazily getting up and grabbing the last cookie from the batch that Angie and I were munching on. “Eric you want the last cookie?”

 “COOKIE!!” last thing I saw was him barreling towards me before he slipped on the wet floor, knocking into me. Next thing I felt was my ankle going numb.



 Eric definitely lived up to his nickname now.  Anthony almost had a heart attack when we came back with Miks in Eric’s arms cursing her head off.

 “What happened??” Anthony came over to take Miks from Eric.

 “Cookie Monster over here got over excited and charged her.” I explained, looking at the three of them amused.

 “So I can barely get your help in taking her out in football, but you practically bench her over a cookie?” Anthony shook his head, trying not to laugh, grunting when Miks punched him.

 “Shut up.” said Miks grumpily, muttering that we should take her to get her ankle wrapped.

 “I’ll do it, it was my fault.” Eric held out his arms to get Miks again. I looked at him.

 “Should I come too?” I asked, nervous to be left alone with Anthony.

 “No, you can keep Tony company.” Miks said over Eric’s shoulder as he walked off with her.

 “Okay…” I said softly, not looking at Anthony for a few moments.

 “You want to grab some Taco Bell?” he asked me, smiling at me. I felt my face heat up.

 “Sure…” I tried to smile back, hoping I don’t look like a sociopath. Anthony led me out of the hospital and cut across the parking lot to the Taco Bell.

 "Do you know what you want?" He looked at me when we got to the counter. I shrugged.

 "Anything that's good." He smiled and nodded, I chuckled nervously, letting him order his food. We sat down waiting and I watched him scroll on his phone not sure what to say.

 "We should have dinner." He said suddenly, catching me off guard.

 "W-what?" He looked at me.

 "Dinner. All of us, like a family. We are a family."

 "Oh, yeah. Yeah! Definitely." I distracted myself with our newly delivered food. Of course he wasn’t talking about a date, that’s just silly.

 “Where do you think we should go? Seafood? Steak? Maybe Italian?” he smiled at me. I tried not to blush.  That smile will be the death of me.

 “Italian sounds good…”  he nodded.

 “I heard that the Baci Ristorante in Mission Valley is pretty good. Miks really likes it.”

 “When?” I asked.

 “When what?” asked Miks, coming over on crutches. “Tony, that Gordita better be for me.” Anthony chuckled and separated some wrapped tacos for her. She sat heavily, passing her crutches to Eric who sat beside her.“Seriously what’s up?”

 “Anthony was thinking of all of us going out to eat as a family.” I explained.

 “That sounds good, we haven’t done that in a while, well not with all of us together.” Said Eric thoughtfully, trying to steal a bite from Miks’ food only to get his hand smacked. “Hey!”

 “Hey what, get your own damn food.” Smirked Miks, her face turning indignant when he grabbed the rest of her Gordita. “Dammit Eric!” she crossed her arms, pushing at his arms when he tried to hug her.

 “I’ll  get you another one, chill.” Miks shook her head.

 “No, I want something else, help me.” Anthony and I watched with amusement as Eric helped her up again and followed her up to the counter.

 “How long do you think they have until one of them finally admits they like eachother?” I sighed, speaking mostly to myself but Anthony still answered.

 “Can’t say, Miks can be oblivious sometimes. Can’t imagine how frustrating it is for Eric right now.”

 “I can.” I whispered to myself.

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