Chapter 4

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Miks with a broken ankle was kind of funny. She is such an independent person she didn't want any help, especially from Eric, but that didn't stop him from trying. Today is the last day that she has her cast on, but it doesn't make a difference.

"Eric I can do it."

"Let me help, you'll fall."

"Eric really it's fine."

"Just let me-"

I watched in amusement as Eric tried to help Miks down the stairs by following her. She was doing fine on her own but he kept insisting. Making her huff in irritation and just let him carry her.

"Tony, the family dinner is tonight right?" She asked me, letting Eric set her down at the table by me. I nodded.

"Yeah, we're all meeting up after you get your cast off." Miks nodded, glancing at Eric so fast I thought I was imagining things.

"Alright, Eric and I will meet you there. He's my ride."

"Your ride huh?" I raised an eyebrow at Eric, who gave me a look from behind Miks.

"Yeah, we'll see you there. Don't wait up."

I shrugged." I gotta pick up Angie anyway; Thomas has some studio stuff to take care of." Miks nodded again.

"No prob, Eric and I were gonna meet Thomas and Colton to remind them anyway, speaking of which, want to get going?" She asked, turning to Eric.

"Only if you want to." He shrugged, Miks looked at him.

"Well, we do need to go grocery." Eric wrinkled his nose, he hated grocery shopping.

"Ew why."

"Because you practically live here too." I laughed.

"And because I'm asking you...please come with me?" Miks looked up at Eric, he quickly nodded. Geez she's got him whipped even without a relationship.

"You might as well get a collar and a leash to go with that whip." I shook my head. Miks looked at me.

"Excuse you; don't you have reservations to verify?" She stood with the help of Eric, and walked to the car on her crutches. Eric looked at me.


"Way to sell me out."

"Well get a move on so I don't have to." Eric grimaced at me.

"I want to make sure she likes me." I give him a look.

"Really. Make sure she-" I shook my head. "She's waiting." Sure enough, my cousin's voice rang out.

"Yo! Jewconut!! Leggo!" Eric looked at me again, and nodded, leaving. This is going to take forever. Good luck to Thomas and Colton who said they'll try and get Miks and Eric together.


"Okay this is how we'll get them together." I told Miks, Eric, Thomas and Joey. We met up after Miks' early appointment to get her cast off and are currently going over tonight's plan. "Thomas, you make sure Angie is ready on time, Miks, same with Anthony. Eric? You're Miks' alibi."

"Got it".

"Got it."

"I'm her alibi?" We all looked at Eric.

"Yeah, since we're bailing on the dinner, I'm staying with you for a few hours." Miks looked at him. Eric shrugged.

"I don't mind...what do you want to do?" Thomas looked at both of them.

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