Chapter 7

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Standing outside of Jason's house just a couple days later was unsettling. This whole situation could've been avoided if I hadn't imploded that night at the bar but it was too late to change what had happened. I wasn't afraid to admit that I'd over-reacted, it was saying out loud to someone else that was the problem. I've never been comfortable apologizing.

Actually, I'd never been comfortable talking for that matter.

Alright Bryce, time to actually use those things between your legs and be a fucking man.

Sighing deeply, I tried like hell to keep a blank face as I waited for Jase to answer the door.

When the heavy dark oak swung inward, Jay stood in a ratty old t-shirt, boxers, and bare feet. His face was unshaven, small bags stood out under his eyes. In his left hand was a beer, even though it was only noon.

"I take it you've had a rough go?" I asked, nodding toward the beer.

With a sigh, Jason stepped back and motioned me inside. His usually organized house was in disarray with his sink full of dirty dishes, laundry scattered everywhere, and all of the blinds were drawn. Not one of the lights were on so everything was cast into a gloomy shadow.

"What's been going on? I left you for a few days and your life falls apart. I thought the wicked witch of the west liked things clean."

"Rachel left me. Again."

Ah, that made sense. No matter how often Rachel seemed to come and go, every time she disappeared she broke Jason's heart all over again. You'd think by now the poor bastard would just expect it, but he still acted like it was a shock. However, with the weird friendship we had, I kept quiet and usually let him spill his soul whenever she decided she didn't want him anymore. I figure if he can put up with my moody ass, the least I can do is feign interest in his love life with Rachel.

"What happened, man? It looked like it was going so well last I saw you," I asked him as I watched him shuffle around the kitchen.

"Your newest interest," Jason replied sullenly. "Apparently Rachel didn't think she was very funny. When we got back home, she really tore me a new one. Thought I was being disrespectful by not standing up for her. I told her I thought she was being a little dramatic so she threw a glass bowl at my head, packed her things, and the next thing I knew, I was alone. She hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. I don't think she's coming back this time."

For a second we just stood in his kitchen and stared at each other. Despite the fatigue plaguing his face, he was obviously still amused. I gave him a tiny smirk and when he returned it, I knew we were okay again.

"I wanted to, you know, come by... Eh. It's just..."

Jason nodded slowly.

"I know. It's okay. I'm sorry too."

"Oh good! That's over, so how about we clean up this pigsty?" I slapped my hands together and gestured towards the house. With a big, open floor plan I could see that every room was a little out of place. Jay's house never looked like this. He had an obsession about everything having a place and never having clutter or filth in his living area.

"Guess I have to move on with my life, huh?" He sighed out. After I nodded my agreement, he sighed again before turning toward the sink and dumping the last of his beer down the sink. "Does this mean you're actually staying and helping me clean?"

I hopped up to sit on the counter while laughing loudly.

"Clean? Wow, I never knew you were such a joker. How about I steal one of your beers, you clean, and I'll keep you entertained with my unbounding wit?"

Jason laughed and gave me an odd look.

"What?" I asked.

"You're different, " Jason says. He looks me over critically before finding his arms across his chest and learning against the counter in front of me.

"You're smiling, laughing. Is this because of that girl, the one from the store, what's her name?"

"Andy. Andrea, actually."

"Right, the one who was playing in the rain. Has Ms. Andrea actually managed to make you, dare I say, happy?"

Jason held a hand to his chest and gave me a shocked look. Him and his smart ass jokes. I took a moment to study myself internally. It didn't feel like I was very different. And even if I was, how could it have been from meeting one person? Andy was great. She was smart and funny, and yeah she made me feel happy. Maybe it was time I faced facts. Maybe just knowing her, spending time with her was making me a different person.

Throughout my internal exploration, Jason stood quietly watching while I thought. When I looked back into his face, our eyes met and I could tell he'd come to the same conclusion I had.

"She's good for you. Don't let that go."

I smiled and took another look around his house. Hopping down from the counter I started throwing random bottles into the trash.

"Alright, enough of the sappy bullshit. Let's clean up your mess and go find you a new girl to occupy your time."

Jason laughed quietly before he too got started cleaning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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