Chapter 2

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My first steps into Andie's apartment put mine to shame. There was a short hallway with a table off to the side, and as I continued down it I noticed a bathroom to the right. Not wanting to be nosy, I quickly moved on and her apartment came into view.

I let out a low whistle and Andie looked up from the kettle she was messing with at the stove.

"Like what you see?" she asked, smiling.

"I thought you said you hadn't finished unpacking yet?" I responded.

"Well, I had to unpack all of the main stuff. Otherwise I would've had to pay the moving company for another day to use their truck. Do you know how expensive that is?" She laughed as she continued to move around the cozy kitchen. "Besides, I wanted to be settled in. This is kinda the first place I've ever had on my own."

I nodded quietly and took another look around. Exiting the hallway, and directly to the left was the kitchen. The L-shaped counter separated the cooking area from the rest of the large, open room. Andie had a dining room set up on the carpeted area towards the right of the kitchen, that connected with the living room. A couch took up one side of the wall, and a giant bookcase was set into the wall behind it, almost completely filled with novels. A large flat screen T.V. was mounted to the wall across from the couch and picture frames of all shapes and sizes littered the walls.

"Bryce," Andie called.

I looked up from my perusing of her apartment and she was already looking at me. She must've been trying to get my attention because she had an amused smirk on her face. Trying to hide my discomfort at having been caught eyeing her place, I rubbed the nape of my neck with my left hand.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"Which do you prefer, coffee or hot cocoa?" She asked again.

"A hot chocolate would be just fine. Thank you."

Andie nodded and pulled out two mugs from the cabinet on her right. I took a seat on one of her stools at the counter and watched her pour our drinks. She slid mine across to me and walked away through another small hallway that was adjacent to the dining/living room area. I heard her moving items, opening drawers, and I realized she must be changing out of the wet clothes she had on before.

Looking down at my own appearance, I felt just a twinge of guilt at sitting on her nice furniture and dripping water all over her carpet. It would seem I didn't have to worry much though because before too long, Andie came back out. She had completely changed her outfit and she had even brought out a giant fluffy towel for me to use. It will forever be a mystery to me how women keep their towels so clean and fluffy. I can buy a new one from the store, wash it a single time and all of a sudden it feels like sandpaper.

Accepting the towel, I nodded gratefully and tried to inconspicuously check her out while I dried off the best I could. Her blonde hair was dryer now and thrown into a messy bun with several flyaway hairs framing her petite face. If I had thought that the leggings hugged her ass, they didn't compare to the way she looked in sweatpants. I must be desperate or deprived, or both, because the tight blue t-shirt and the grey sweatpants she had on were making it difficult for me to sit comfortably.

I cleared my throat," So Andie, what made you move all the way up to Valent, Illinois?"

She leaned on the counter, shrugging as she picked up her mug. I had to avert my eyes when she leaned over, but I don't think she noticed.

"I guess I just needed a new start. To be honest, I more or less threw a dart at a map and was like, yes, that's it. That's where I'll move." She smiled at me, and I got lost in her eyes for a moment before I found myself smiling back. Not one of the fake ones I was used to giving people, but it was an actual, honest to God, genuine smile.

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