Chapter 13. *Final Chapter*

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We start to walk into the dark building. She cries a little. I can tell she doesn't want to but she does. It's a side affect of someone dying. When we turn a bunch of people stand up. I'm guessing her family.

"Where's my father." She says.

"Beatrice?" A guy says. Her father.

"Your mother?" He says. He stands still. I can tell he gets that she is dead. He gives her a hug. I stay hidden. Don't want to ruin the father daughter moment.

"She saved me." Her brother slowly starts walking. I can tell he noticed me. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Marcus. Shit! Don't say anything.

Tris stays in her fathers arms. I wish I had a father. A good one. One that wouldn't abuse me. One that actually cared about his children. Where I can leave school wanting to come home. Where I can have father-daughter moments. But that's not what happened.

" Who's that?" Her brother says. Great... I've been noticed.

"Alice. My friend." Tris says.

" Yeah." I say. Marcus stands up. I can tell he reconized my voice.

"We need to leave here," Marcus say, "Are there soldiers outside?"

"No. It's clear." More drama happens. Her brother starts crying.Of course she comforts him. He starts to ask questions about why they're attacking and she explains. I say nothing. I zone them out.

We start walking. Tris and I grab the guns of the dead dauntless and hand them to her family and Marcus when we get on the train. We are going to stop the simulation.

I realize I haven't said a word about Tobias. He was what was originally set on my mind. I was going to find him. But there was a sudden change in my plan. Now my mind is set on something else, and that is saving what is left of the Abnegation and stopping the simulation.

"Get ready." We say at the same time.

"What now?" Her father say.

" You aren't going to like this." She opens the door. Tris jumps first. I follow right after her. Her brother right after. Then her dad and after him Marcus. I quickly stand up brushing the pebbles off of me. We start to run. We look down at the building.

Tris stands up onto the edge. Once the first jumper. Always the first jumper.

"There is a net at the bottom," She says. I nod. They all look at her. "Don't think. Just jump." She jumps. I step up. I jump.

"You good?" She asks. They nod.

"Good. Lets go." I say and we start running.

We keep running until we reach the pit. Peter is standing there. She tells us to wait. We wait. She starts to walk up to Peter. I watch.

She kicks him and aims her gun. "Against the wall" she says. He listens.

"How are you awake?"

"Because I'm smarter than you. They need me."

"Where are they controlling it from?"

" Why would I tell you? It's not like you're going to shoot me."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" She shoots him. "Where are they controlling it from?"

He tells her and she walks back. We high five. Of course Marcus puts in his own sense. I ignore it. We start to leave. Peter leads. We keep walking until we get to this certain area. Tris shushes us. Her father starts to walk out. " Like you said. There is no second to waste." He say as he walks out.

He starts to shoot. We follow and help. But before we know it he is on the floor. Shot and presumed dead. Her brother is nealing next to him. She just stands there. First her mom. Now her dad. She looks at me. " Watch Caleb. I'm going in there. "

She starts to leave. I glare at Marcus. Then I look over at Caleb. Thats when I hear a scream. Tris. I grab my gun and start to run. I run through a white room. This must be where the Erudites are controlling everything. The Erudites are blocking this one door.

I try to make my way through. I push and shove. They try to hold me back. But I make my way through them. Thats when I spot it. Tobias attacking Tris.

"Tobias!" I scream. Tris looks at me. But once he hears me his gun goes away from Tris and aimed at me. He's under simulation. Maybe I can get him out of it. But from the looks of it, it seems Tris tried also.

"You wouldn't shoot your sister would yah?" I say with out realizing I've never told anyone but Christina. " Tobias. Wake up. You're under a-" that's when he throws me against the wall. The gun is pointed straight at my head.

He pulls the trigger and a bullet goes straight through. Blood starts to flow to my neck. I fall to the ground.

"Alice?" I hear. Tobias. Looks like I did it. I woke him up.

He slowly kneels to the ground. He's crying now. He puts my head on his lap. I look over at Tris. She's just standing there. In shock.

" I'm sorry Alice. I-I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." He cries.

" Its okay. " I say weakly.

"No, Alice. You shouldn't die. You can't. Remember? You where always the unstoppable Alice." I smile at the memory.

The light slowly becomes viewable. "It's okay. People live. People die. And I guess it's just my time." I say weaker than before. The light comes brighter.

"I'll be -"

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