Chapter 1: First day

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((Hello everyone, I am going to continue working on my other Fiolee fan fic, but unfortantely I don't think I am going to continue working on my Bubbline due to lack of ideas >.<. I really hope you like this fanfic though so please favorite and comment on my story!))

Fionnas POV:

I wake up in the morning feeling quite tired, I am extremely nervous for my first day at school even though I am strong and can keep my head held high through bad times and kick evils butt! I feel a bit more confident now and jump out of bed pumping my fist in the air "I'm so ready!!" I laugh at myself and instantly shut myself up remembering Cake is still asleep. I smile walking to my closet and grabbing some blue shorts, a baggy lighter blue sweater, some knee high socks, and mary jane black shoes. I walk into the bathroom take a shower and get dressed, I grab my hat stuffing it on my head. I walk out of the bathroom and put my backpack over my shoulders skipping breakfast, I'm still mad that Cake won't come to school with me but I guess it makes sense since she is a cat and all.

I skip out the door full of energy and excitment and before I even have time to think I get to school, I smile brightly looking around at the happy faces around me and I realize I had nothing to be afraid of. I sigh with relief and walk into the school my head held high, I pull out a slip of paper that has my locker number on it and instantly begin searching through the halls so I can put all my stupid junk in the darn locker, I may be strong but I dont feel like carrying books around all day.

After around ten minutes of looking and still not finding my darn locker I look around for some help, I notice a boy with pink hair, and pink clothes reading a book by his locker, or what I think to be his locker. He looks really concentrated and I really don't want to bother him but I sorta do need the help. I muster up the courage to walk over to him and he instantly looks up at me smiling, I feel a blush creeping on my face which embarases me even more because he is really cute.

"Hi.. Um I'm Fionna... I can't find my um, locker... I'm new here.." I manage to say this sentence that sounds completley jumbled up and I probably come of as a shy girl even though I'm not! I am strong and I can be super scary so I will show him the real me.

"Hi I'm Gumball." He smiles and stands up, he isn't much taller than me but maybe if he stopped using such a perfect posture I wouldn't look so short, "And of course I will help you find your locker, whats the number?" I hand him the slip of paper and watch him carefully still a bit nervous hoping he doesn't think I'm some helpless person.

"So do ya know where it is?" I cock my head raising an eyebrow, he's taking way to long to think of where my locker may be, but then again I should talk.

"Yeah follow me." He smiles warmly but his expression looks a bit scared.

"Something wrong..?" I ponder on the question not wanting to upset him since of course I did just meet him.

"No it's just your locker is next to one of the most rudest annoying kids in school and I'm worried since you are new and all." I look at him a it confused on why he cares so much about me in the few minutes we've known eachother.

"Hey I can beat some butt if I have to!" I stand up tall pointing my thumb to my chest "I am not afraid of some kid!" I smile confidentally and Gumball looks a bit confused, "What don't believe me?" I grab my backpack and flash my crystal sword to him smiling brightly, his eyes widen.

"You should not be bringing weapons in school Fionna!" He looks completely scared, "That is against the school rules for globs sake!"

"Woah calm down dude, you never know when a monster crashes his way into school and kills everyone, BUT I'd be there to swoop in chop off his head and blood and guts would be everywhere!!!" I of course stumble into that dream land also known as over exageration. He laughs nervously pointing to a locker.

"Thats yours... I would walk you there but he's there and he always some rude comment to say." He frowns walking off before I can even thank him. I look toward where he pointed and see a small group of two girls and 3 guys, I slowly make my way to my locker trying not to dirupt their convorsation but that seems to late as I feel a tap on my shoulder opening my locker.

"Yeah?" I put my things in slamming my locker shut and turning around to a boy with jet black hair and peircing red eyes, I think he may use eye color contacts or maybe it's his real eye color, I simply shrug it off.

"I take it you're new here..." He chuckles an evil smirk on his face. I raise an eyebrow and fix my hat a bit confused as to the strangness of this boy.

"Uh yeah... I'm Fionna." I smile brightly looking up at him, I'm trying to act like myself so people don't think I'm a shy kid, I hate being seen as that kid.

"I'm Marshall Lee..." He smiles grabbing my hand and kissing it his lips lingering on my hand I pull away wiping my hand off a bright blush on my face.

"What the hey hey?!"

"Oh come on, I know you love me everyone does!"

"What the plum?! I don't love you I don't even know you dude??" I am completely caught off guard by this Marshall kid, he is really creepy and way too straight forward.

"You don't love me?" He looks a bit annoyed.

"I don't know you!!" I mutter this before dodging past him and walking far from my locker, it was weird all those people watching me yell at Marshall, obviously he is popular and not many people hate him.

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