5-The Way My Heart Pounds

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Dinner was great with her. We had the typical Chinese food. Besides the cheap and basic food choice what I really enjoyed was talking to her. I got to know her more and more. I got to learn about her favorite things, her family, and where she's been. I felt like I got to meet a new side of her.

"So, now that dinner is over can we practice?" (Y/n) asked. She was so excited that her eyes sparkled.

"Thirty more minutes" I whined.

"Common Keith! You said we could practice after dinner!"

"That was before I knew how full I'd feel right now!"

"Fine!" She on the chair opposite of me pouting. I thought she looked adorable.

"Okay lets make a deal if you're just gonna pout"


"Yes, really"

"So we can practice!?" Her eyes sparkled again.

"Only if you let me sleep on the bed with you tonight" I looked at her with my elbows on the table resting my head in my hands.

"W-wah..." She was so confused and flustered she was at a lost for words! I laughed out loud at her reaction. I stopped laughing and went back to the position I was in before.

"Looks like we're not practicing" I started to get up. I made my way to the door until she grabbed onto my shirt.

"Y-you can s-sleep with me..." I looked back at her. Her face was red but she avoided eye contact.

"Is that really how much you want to dance?" She nodded her head signaling a yes. I put my head on my hand and shook it smiling. "Alright let's go"

She instantly got up and ran to the dance room. I smiled again and followed her. She was already in there stretching. I got in and stretched with her.

"So what do you want to cover?"

"I want to learn the rest of the dance than practice it!" She looked determined.

We got through it with minor stubbles but in the end it was finished. She learned everything and it already looked pretty sharp.

"You can practice by yourself. You seem like you already have it all down"

"Wait! I want to practice it with two people!"

"How are you supposed to do that? We can't call Lance over, he's probably already sleeping by now"

"I can practice with you weirdo!" She giggled. I blushed a little from embarrassment (totally embarrassment)

I started the music than we started to dance. Some parts of the dance were touchy so I felt a little flustered every time I had to hold her. At the end there's suppose to be a part where I have to hug her, AND I CANT DO THAT! I'm not as confident as Lance when it comes to girls. What is my breath smells? What if I have something in my face? What if I hold her to tightly and choke her? The part came closer as we danced our way to each other but I couldn't do it! As we got closer I chose to pass her and off the music.

"Good job today (y/n)" I said blushing and walking out of the room. I took a quick shower but realized I forgot to bring in a shirt with me. I had pants and underwear but how could I forget to bring a shirt?

I walked into my room and she sat there on my bed. She looked like she got ready for bed. I reached for my closet and grabbed a basic black tee. I slipped it on and started my way to the door.

"Aren't you suppose to be sleeping in here today?" She asked from the bed. I blushed and scratched the back of my head.

"U-uh I kinda was joking about that..."

"Oh! Okay!" She said awkwardly

"But if you want I can sleep on the bed with you" I said making the situation even more awkward

"That's only if you want to!"

I thought about it. I shrugged thinking what could possibly go wrong? I plopped myself next to her on the bed, one hand under my head and the other scrolling through my phone.

"Is you're head okay?" She said touching my bandaid that I put on after my shower.

"It's healing well. Thank you for helping yesterday with it"

"No problem. I'm just glad I could help"

"So why are you just sitting down?"

"Oh!" She later down. He body was faced at me.

"How'd you meet Shiro?" I asked out of the blue. I was curious because they're so close.

"Takashi and I met when I was a toddler. My parents were always out working so his parents helped raise me. It's sad if you think about it but he's been like a real big brother to me. He's always concerned about me and taking care of me. Even when I was miles a part there was never a morning Takashi wasn't there to greet me good morning or lecture me about what he'd find out from my friends," she giggled.

"You two must be very close"

"So how did you meet him?"

"Shiro and I met at school. He was my upperclassmen and he inspired me. I talked to him a little and it became a brotherly bond. Shiro is such a great guy." I looked at her and noticed a start of a scar on her collar bone.

"Where'd you get that?" I turned to my side and pointed at it.

"It was from an accident. Nothing to serious" She covered it up looking down. It looked like that scar made her remember something unpleasant. I want to trust her but she seem like the type to keep things in. I sighed.

"Even though I find that hard to believe I trust you, and you can trust me. If you ever have an issue you want to get off your chest please tell me." She nodded her head and smiled. After that she snuggled into my chest.

I was shocked for a moment, but I got over it. I hugged her back knowing the possibility she could hear my pounding heart. I hoped she could, because I want her to know how fast she can make my heart beat even when doing the smallest things. I want her to know I love her without saying anything.

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