Disclaimer: I wrote this when I was 15 so it is a bit cliché, and many mistakes in the story:)
All Brooklyn's life, she's been more of a boy than a girl. She's only ever lived with her single dad and her three older brothers, which means...
"Brook, Wake up, you lazy potato." My dad ordered as he shook me awake. I mumbled a complaint and sat up, rubbing my eyes groggily.
Some people hate Monday's, others despise Sundays. Me? I loath Tuesdays. You see, I don't have the best of luck. Ever. But on Tuesdays, my bad luck seems to peak. My whole family knows this, too. It's like some kind of evil curse. But, despite that, I always try to be somewhat optimistic about it. Maybe today, I'll break this "curse."
"Okay, okay, I'm up." I announced, stumbling towards my wardrobe. You know what? I'm going to look cute today. Not sexy... just cute.
I pulled out my white Champion t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans that cut off at my mid-calf. Folding the shirt and jeans on my arm, I looked over at my shoes. I picked up my black vans and sprinted for the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Through the door, I could hear dad dragging John down the hallway.
I changed and quickly curled my hair, then put on my usual eyeshadow, blush and mascara. Examining myself in the mirror, I felt proud. I haven't spilled anything, tripped... nothing. Now all I need are two little accessories.
Unlocking and opening the door, I saw Colin waiting outside the bathroom door. On Tuesdays, he's careful not to bang on the door, just avoid any kind of injuries I might get if I open the door. trust me, it happened before. Without a word, I rushed past him and into my shared room.
I opened my bedside and found my glasses case, where I kept my embarrassing black, horn-rimmed, prescription glasses and put them on. Instantly, the world was less blurry and I smiled. Now, for the second accessory.
I rifled through the second draw, to find my white clip-on bow tie, which I usually wear to wedding with my favorite and only dress. I clipped the bow tie on to my hair and looked at myself in my phone's camera. This is adorable!
Feeling proud of myself, I strutted out of my room and to the kitchen, where a bowl of Cheerios was already waiting for me. I smiled and pranced to the bowl, carefully taking a seat. Aiden looked something that I can only describe as 'Sibling Sinister.'
"Who's the hot date?" Aiden asked, gaining the attention of dad, Colin and John. Who were all obviously curious.
"Nobody, I'm just absolutely positive that I'm not cursed today. I haven't spilled anything, tripped or been injured at all yet!" I said excitedly, my mouth full of Cheerios. They all shrugged and John and Colin continued fighting over the last blueberry yogurt. I sighed and shook my head.
"Alright, guys, today we're going to do a partner presentation, and don't even get your hopes up, because last time I allowed you all to chose your partners, the grades were horrendous! I have already made the list, so just wait and listen for your name." Mr. Rivers told us. I groaned and slammed my head against my desk. I hate group projects.
"Kate Arenger, your partner is Layla O' Hare. Olivia Bailey, your partner is Derrick Grindstaff. Brooklyn Harvey..." Mr. Rivers looked up at me apologetically and sighed. "Alex Holland..." He went on, but I was to dead to listen. My bad luck has officially kicked in. All day I've been excited and lucky. Now, here I am, sitting in first period, partners with the last person I want to talk to.
"Now that all the partners are assigned and the prompt has been cleared, go ahead and find yours and begin planning. You guys have two weeks to get this done, and I've given you a rubric in Google Classroom. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor." My face stayed on my desk. I'm dead. I'm dead. I can't do this. I'm absolutely dead.
"Awh! Chin up, bow tie." Alex said suddenly, breaking my pitying train of thoughts. I didn't look up. "Come on, I really don't need to fail this class, because my partner hates me."
"Go away, I'm slowly dying, and stop it with the stupid nicknames." I told him, my words muffled by my desk. Alex huffed and pulled on my arm, making me squeak in pain. I looked up and slapped his hand.
"Do you even know the prompt? He ask with an amused voice, cradling his slapped hand.
"Nope." Alex sighed. "We are supposed to research a city and create a Google Slides presentation on it. What city do you want to write about? It doesn't have to be in America, mind you."
"Oh, okay. How about we write on some place like Venice? It's super pretty and I know they have the best history ever." I said, suddenly very excited.
"Whatever you say, Princess."
"I told you to quit it with the nicknames." I hissed angrily. Alex shrugged, wrote down our city, and stood up to give it to Mr. Rivers.
Now for my daily dose of mental breakdown: dad is going to flip if he found out my partner is a guy, he'll flip if Alex even steps onto our sad excuse for a lawn, and he'll definitely flip if I take a single step inside of Alex's house. He'll flip no matter what I do. Yep, this project is totally going to out.
"Hello, Earth to Pumpkin." He said, waving a hand in front of my face. I jumped back, snapping to attention. "Oh, so you are alive. We're supposed to start planning our research and junk, so if you promise not to start daydreaming again..."
"I wasn't daydreaming, idiot." I sneered, rolling my eyes. Why, of all people, was I stuck with him? Does God just really hate me or something? "I don't think we'd get a lot done at my house, my brothers are a bunch of overprotective donkeys."
"Eh, I guess that means we're going to be at my house. Can you come after school today or are you busy?"
"I'm free today." Just like ever other day. "Erm, can I have the address?"
"Sure, just let me write it down." He chirped writing down. I've never seen him so undistracted, so...Non-flirty. It's a weird side of him to see. ______________________________
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Early update:) hope you enjoy! New chapter next WednesdayXD