Sacrificial Love (SiKwang)

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Siwan POV

"What the..."


I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. As I saw the elder looked at me with tear filled eyes, once again that fake smile on his face, as he let go of the railings and gravity pulled him away from me...

I lunged forward. My fingers, my palm enclosed around his wrist, a pain shot through my arm as I played a game of tug of war with gravity. I refused to let go, despite his pleas, despite my body slowly sliding off. I pulled with all my might, wishing that I could just pull him back up and hold him close, like he always did to me. His embrace that I so foolishly rejected, how I longed for it now.

Why Kwanghee... Why didn't you tell me?

I'm sorry for pushing you away... Please... Come into my arms....

The last thought that shot across my mind, just as my feet were lifted off the ground and my body slowly slid off together with the one boy that I loved and treasured so.

I felt time stop as we slowly plummeted to the hard concrete, his skinny body under me, face vandalized with ugly tears. I could not let it end like this, I thought. I could not push him away again.

Using all my strength, I yanked his wrist and wrapped my arms around his body. Flipping two bodies around, I felt the pain as I crashed hard on the ground.

Pain. That was all that was left in my being. My world had turned silent and all I could feel was the hot blood trickling down my forehead, the boy of my dreams stuck to my chest. He tore himself out of my embrace and stared at me with tears in his eyes. I could feel warm liquid landing on my cheeks. Using my remaining energy, I wrapped my bony fingers around his collar and pulled him down. I felt the warmth of his lips falling on mine, a surge of sadness coursing through my entire being.

"I love you Kwanghee. And I'm sorry. Don't.... Don't ever do that again... I love you...."

His arms wrapped around me and lifted me onto his lap, cradelling me in his arms, rocking my body back and forth. I felt all the energy leave my body as I slowly closed my eyes to prepare myself for the eternal slumber that awaited me, as his lips crashed on mine for the last time.

Kwanghee POV

I cried out in pain as the body in my arms went numb. I wanted to lean into the warmth of Siwan's hand, take in Siwan's smell, feel his skin slide against mine again.

I let out countless of broken sobs as I wished this was all just a dream. I had just killed Siwan. My best friend. My love.

"Come back... Siwan.... Please...."
"I love you Siwan... I love you... Come back to me please...." I just continued to cry again and again. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I grabbed his head gently as I could and kissed him again and again, as if to preserve the last of Siwan.

"Forgive me Siwan-ah... Please forgive me...."

It all happened too soon. I was yanked away from Siwan, no matter how hard I fought against my restraints. Nobody was there to comfort me as I watched him carried on a stretcher and being carried away by the filthy hands of those strangers who tore me away from him.

There was still so much more to say. I still owed Siwan a lifetime of "I love you"s. What the hell was I to do now that he was gone?

Holding the beer can in my hand, my mind didn't even bother trying go distract me from Siwan in my daydream. I clutched my heart in pain for the millionth time that fortnight. I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I closed them, not knowing it would be the last time I ever do so.

As I stood at the head of the tunnel, the silhouette of a boy appeared on the other side. Taking a few tentative steps towards the being which blocked the light, it didn't take me long to realise who. Tears brimming in my eyes, I took off.

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