Don't make me punish you (HeeWan)

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It was a late Friday evening and also a rare off day for ZE:A. For once, the members had time off their busy schedule to relax and rest. All the members, except Siwan, that is. The fashionista still had a filming for his new drama and despite being the most busy and overworked member in the group, he was forced to get out of the comfort of his duvet and whisked off to some filming site early in the morning. Despite Heechul's complaints to the manager saying that Siwan was overworked, the elder miraculously managed to assure and coax the arrogant boy, saying that it was fine and that he would be able to spend more time with him after his drama had ended. Heechul, somewhat satisfied, pouted and wrapped his hyung in a warm embrace before seeing him off that morning. Instead of sulking in bed all day long without his Siwannie as Heechul had planned, the boy found himself playing games on his computer several hours after Siwan's departure.

"Yes! Yes!! I'm winning... And... Almost... Yes!!!" Heechul threw his arms up in the air in triumph after he won the battle for the fourth time. Just as he was doing a small victory hop around his room, a thought struck him:
"Oh yeah! Siwan's movie must've aired by now! I better hurry and go watch it~!" he said, grinning like a Cheshire cat while closing his game application, opening the browser and going into the website. As the movie started, Heechul closed the curtains, turned off the room lights, buried himself under a bundle of blankets and started watching.


"What... What the hell? Siwan?!"
Heechul gasped in shock as he watched the elder in the backseat of a red sports car, making out passionately with a foreign woman. His eyes burned with jealousy and his jaw clenched.

"How dare he... Im Siwan you're gonna get it from me..."

Just then, he heard his doorknob twist open. Whipping his head around, he saw a cheerful Siwan standing in the doorway.

"Heechul ah! I managed to get off filming early! The PD let me off early when he found out that---Mmph!!" Siwan's words were cut off by Heechul's rough lips attacking his own. His eyes were blown open as he struggled against the younger rapper's arms. Tightening his grip around the seemingly fragile doll, Heechul slammed him against the bedroom wall, lips not leaving his as his hand swiftly locked the door.

"You had a make out session with another woman, and you never told me?" Heechul growled, his white teeth biting down on Siwan's plump lips. Siwan whimpered, shocked.

"Hee...Heechul ah... Please stop..."

"And why should I?" He snarled, letting go of Siwan's now red and swollen lips. The elder was panting, cheeks flushed, forehead gleaming with perspiration. "You were the one who made out with someone else and didn't tell me"

"I didn't want to, you should know that! It was a scene in the drama... I had no choice, Chul ah... Please stop--"

Siwan had barely finished when Heechul began attacking his swollen lips again, kissing him roughly.

"And you should know," He murmured against the helpless boy's lips, "that I know about you kissing because of work. But you used to always tell me about it... What happened huh?" Heechul stared at him with black, lust and anger-filled eyes. Although it hurt him to see Siwan in such a vulnerable and pained state, he didn't want to be a pushover for his lover and let him off the hook so easily.
He started biting at Siwan's lips again, drawing the slightest bit of blood. His tongue slid out and slowly caressed the wound, causing a small whimper coming from Siwan. Heechul used the chance and roughly shove his tongue in, licking stripes in Siwan's wet cavern and causing Siwan to moan softly. His fingernails dug into Heechul's right shoulder, his other hand weakly hitting his left, begging for Heechul to stop. Just then, Heechul pulled Siwan up and carried him bridal style onto the bed, tongue never leaving his mouth. Siwan's eyes flew open in alarm.

"Heechul... Please stop..."

The younger ignored his pleas and skillfully began unbuttoning his hyung's shirt.

"Stop!!!!" Siwan yelled, grabbing Heechul's arm with whatever strength he had left. Heechul looked up angrily at him but his gaze softened upon seeing the tears cascading down his love's porcelain cheeks. "Please... Stop it... I'm sorry..." Siwan whispered, his cries filling Heechul's ears.
Siwan wrapped his arms around Heechul and sobbed into his neck.

"Please... I'll never do it again... Just stop... Please Heechul ah..."

Heechul gently pried Siwan off him, staring into the elder's crying and slightly hopeful brown orbs. Feeling tears burning at the back of his own eyes, he leaned closer and slanted his lips over Siwan's, giving him a slow but sensual kiss. Siwan's tense body relaxed at the touch and kissed back, arms returning to its place around Heechul's neck as Heechul cupped the boy's petite face. Siwan slowly leaned back and let the rapper's weight to fall on him as he was pressed deep into the mattress.
Siwan trailed a series of butterfly kisses along the firmness of Heechul's jawline in a silent thanks before connecting his lips with the younger's once again.

"I'm sorry, Chul ah," he said, lips leaving Heechul's as he lifted his head to look lovingly at the younger. In response, Heechul simply let go of his face and moved his hands downwards to button up the boy's shirt, placing a quick kiss on his lips afterwards.

"Just don't do it again, or I seriously will punish you"
Siwan let a giggle slip through his red lips. He knew that would never happen. He knew that the last thing Heechul would do was to hurt him in any way.

"Love you, Wannie ah" Heechul buried his face in the crook of Siwan's neck, taking in his sweet scent.

"Love you too, Chullie."

They shared one last quick kiss before fatigue overcame their bodies and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: The movie Heechul is watching is The Merciless starring Im Siwan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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