Dui, The Split Personality: Story 9

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I grunt angrily as I grab Dui by the wrist and forcefully drag him with all my strength down a quiet alley way.

Just in time when onlookers and police decided to show up and gather to the scene.

"You hit me and now you're lecturing me?" Dui looks unimpressed. "None of the other people ended up dying. It's fine. Let's go, the next punishment is..."

"No!" I take a step back when Dui tries to grab my hand. "Just stop. No more of this." I heave as I try to yell at him.

Then, at my last resort, I take the medallion out from my pocket and into my hand, as I try to distract Dui from noticing.

"Please, just wait." I tell him.

"The punishments on the list have to be taken care of today."

"But it's Dui's punishments, it's his list!"

"Dui, Dui, you're always going on about Dui!" He hisses angrily. "Oh! I've got it!"

When Shadow Dui is about to snap his fingers and lunge for me, I quickly grab his hand, stopping himself from snapping.

"Wait!" I plead.

"Let. Go." He says sternly.

"What are you trying to do here? Are you trying to hurt the other Dui?" I ask him.

Shadow Dui puts on a deranged expression. "Huh? What makes you say that? He is me? Why would I try to hurt myself?"

"Then why do things that will get Dui in trouble?"

"Get him in trouble?" He scoffs as he repeats me question. "What're you talking about? I'm doing what he can't do, to help him!"


"Never mind!"

He can't seriously mean he's really punishing these people this way for the other Dui's sake?

If so...this is a problem...

Then I try asking Shadow Dui about something that's been on my mind. "You...you are trying to protect the other Dui...aren't you?"

"...Like I would ever do something like that. What're you askin' me that for?" He looks annoyed by my question.

The way he looks when asked something like that...the way his tone and words come out...

He doesn't know how to talk about himself, or at least bad at expressing himself.

He's just misunderstood...

Realizing the situation as I read into everything Shadow Dui has done, and how everyone who has talked about Shadow Dui has had nothing but a look of fear or disdain on their faces...

I take a deep breath. "I don't think you're some evil, heinous monster anymore. There must be different way..."

Shadow Dui looks shocked.

"I bet, with the gods' help, you and other Dui could find a way to coexist peacefully..." I tell him.

"Shut up." Shadow Dui yells. "Who do you think you are, talking like a know-it-all."

Then a look of realization crosses his face and Shadow Dui grabs my hand roughly, revealing the medallion.

"H-hey!" I shout.

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