Chapter 3

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A/N sorry about the short chapters lately, trust me they're going to start getting longer soon :) 

Chapter 3

I woke up in the same position I had fallen asleep in. Curled in a ball in the corner of my room. I sighed knowing I had to get up and out of here before my dad awoke. I looked in the mirror and saw a bruise on my cheek. I pulled up my shirt to see how badly my ribs where. They looked normal. And by normal I mean purple, blue, red, and green. I walked to the shower and took a quick 5 minute shower trying to be quiet so my dad wouldn’t wake.

I stepped out and changed into a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I pulled on my toms and left the house quickly. I was texting Vic and he said that he could pick me up, so I waited. I saw his familiar car coming down the road and I smiled. I got into the back of the car.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Kel- What happened to your face!?" Mike asked me

"Oh I um" I said trying to think of a lie "I bruise easily and I fell out of my bed last night" I lied. I didn’t even have a bed frame, just a mattress on the floor so I had nothing to fall from.

"Ooh" Mike said turned back but Vic was a different story. He stared at me like he was looking straight through my lie.

"What?" I asked

He didn’t say anything, just turned to face the road and he began to drive away again. The car was silent the whole ride, well besides Mike of course. We got to the school and we walked in how we did yesterday. Mike walking away with the jocks and Vic and I continuing down the halls talking. I heard kids commenting on my face the whole time and I pulled my hood up so I wouldn’t have to deal with it. The bell rang and we were about to say our goodbyes when Vic pulled me into a bathroom, which was empty.

"How did that really happen" he said more of demanding me to tell him opposed to asking me to tell him.

"I fell" I said and bit my lip trying to keep a straight face

"Kellin" he said sternly "Did someone do it?" he said. It’s like his whole personality changed and he was a completely different person. He stared at my face reading it and I actually was getting scared he could read my mind.

"No! Nobody did it Vic" I said trying to act calm like I didn't know what he was talking about "I got to get to class" I said and fled out the door before he could stop me. Great, now I have to avoid him all day, which won’t work at all speaking that I have music class next. I sighed and power walked to my first class so I wouldn’t run into Vic or the 'jock' team for that matter.

By the time lunch rolled around I was dreading having to go to the cafeteria. So I went outside and sat on the bench instead. I skipped music class so I wouldn't have to look at Vic. He seemed so serious, so angry, and so... different. He looked like he wasn’t himself, everything had changed. I shook the image of Vic out of my head and kept writing. I heard kids passing me asking about my face so I pulled my hood up to hide the bruise and stayed focused on my notebook.



One week later

"Don't forget that your assignments are due 2 weeks after Christmas break!" Mrs. Tuscan said to us while we shuffled out of music class. The last week has been the same as usual. Vic got over the whole bruise thing the next day and he hadn’t brought it up since, and we went back to being, well, friends. Today was the last day of school for Christmas break which I was happy eyed not happy about. Christmas is never a pretty time for me because my dad gets very angry. He blames me for not being happy anymore and blames me for tearing this family apart even though he was the one who would abuse my mother.

"You alright little amigo?" Vic nudged my arm

"What- oh yeah" I fake smiled at him

Mike walked passed us in the hallways smiling at us. It was currently lunch so Vic and I made our way to our lunch table. We made small talk during lunch but I found myself mostly zoning out and not really focusing. I had live through the next 2 weeks being at home and I was trying to mentally prepare myself for that.

"I'm going to get some water" I said and stood up to walk to the vending machine. I was walking passed the table where the jocks where when Brad extended his leg out causing me to trip flat on my face. I let out a loud 'oof' noise. Not because falling had hurt but because I was still sore from the beating I got last night from my dad. I stood back up in a scurry and everyone was laughing at me. I looked at Brad with a glare and he smirked.

"Watch where you're going next time" He laughed

"I'll give you something to laugh about" I said and punched him in the nose.

The whole cafeteria went dead silent.

"Let’s go" Vic said and he was already dragging me out of there

"Are you insane?" he said while he pulled me outside "You're going to get yourself killed here"

"He deserved it!" I shouted, I was getting very angry.

"Is he the one who bruised you?" he asked

"No that was someone else" I said and I didn't even realize I just confessed to saying someone had infect hit me

"Who did it" he said sternly

"Vic let it go!" I shouted and stormed off. He was seriously still thinking about that?

He followed behind me and pulled my arm towards him so I couldn’t walk away.

"I'm sorry, I’ll drop it" I said "I promise"

I turned around and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. Okay I couldn't just look him in the eyes and say no. "Alright" I said and his body language relaxed slightly but I could still see clear he was angry.

"Do you want to skip?" He asked me and I nodded my head not wanting to go back in there. Right now, I was happy that it was Christmas break cause if I had to face them the next day I would be dead meat.

We walked back to his car and he pulled out of the driveway. "Want to come back to my place and hangout?" he asked and I nodded knowing that my dad would be angry I he knew I skipped. We drove in complete silence until we got to his place. We got to his room and both hung out in his room for a little while talking.

"Can I ask you one question though?" he said

"If it’s about the bruise no" I said

"Why won't you tell me who did it though that’s all I want to know?"

I kind of shuffled a bit where I was sitting and felt anxious. Should I just tell him? It’s awfully embarrassing.

"Its personal" I said to him

"Was it your dad?" he asked and I didn’t say anything. He knew I only lived with my dad because my mom left, he doesn’t know why though. Well, not until now I guess. I think my silence was giving it off.

"No" I said quietly. I felt a lump in my throat and then I heard the front door open, knowing it was Mike. "I have to go my dad’s expecting me home" I muttered and jumped off the bed to leave. I ran down his stairs and out the front door when I heard footsteps following me.

"Leave me alone Vic!" I shouted

"I want to make sure you're okay" he said quietly

"NO! I am fine okay you don't need to follow me home or give me a ride! I'm fine" I said and turned to start walking home. I heard his footsteps behind me but I didn’t bother commenting on him following me. When I saw my house come into view I started to run and I ran to the front door. I walked in and saw my dad where he usually is. Sitting on the couch with a beer.

"Did you skip last blocks?" My dad asked me


"Don't lie"

"I didn't" I muttered

"Kellin!" He shouted at me and I ran to my room slamming the door. Oh I was going to regret that... 

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