Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. My body was throbbing in pain and it wasn’t until I looked down that I remember how badly my body was beaten.  I felt like crying just at the thought of it. My alarm was still going off so I slowly stood up to turn it off. I looked in my mirror and sighed when I noticed that my face didn’t look the least bit better. The swelling went down slightly though thanks to the ice pack. My ribs however were a different story, they looked awful and I couldn’t even believe I could stand. I noticed a new bruise developed on my shoulder and I had a faint one on my neck. Fuck. My hand was shaking in fear when I was examining my body.

Am I really that horrible of a son?

I would have stood there longer and wail in self-pity for myself but I had to think of a lie for this. I honestly don’t know what I can tell people…  It looked like it was a ‘beating’ so I had to think about this one. I guess I’ll just say I was jumped. I pulled on a t-shirt and hoodie. I grabbed a pair of dark skinnies and then pulled my toms on. I guess it was good the only thing visible was the bruise my face, the bruise on my neck was barely noticeable, you would have to be very close to realize the slight yellow color.

I grabbed the bottle of pain killers, taking 2, and then dropped the bottle in my bag before I left in case I needed them while I was at school. I walked out of the house trying my best to walk normal, which I can imagine probably didn’t work out. I was halfway to the school when a familiar car passed me. I saw Mike leaning out the window waving at me, the second he got a glance at my face he didn’t look so happy to see me. He looked shocked; I would too to be honest. I looked awful, like a walking zombie. I was happy though when he was out of my vision so I could go back to looking at the ground.

I felt sick to my stomach and I was happy I didn’t eat this morning. Speaking of eating I haven’t ate anything for a good 3 days… I should probably get onto that. When the school came into my view I almost turned back around to go home. I didn’t know how today was going to go. It seems that no matter what the world throws at me, it always gets worse no matter what. I walked into the school trying to keep my head down low. I hope I can be avoided today. I walked straight to my locker and opened it then tried to hide my face in my locker. I can do this. Not the first time I had to lie to everyone about ‘what happened to your face’. The bell went and I let out a long sigh. Grabbing my things, I made my way to class.

I sat in the far back like usual and then Jaime and Tony came in. The second they got a glance at my face something glazed over their eyes.  Sympathy. Of course the second they realized I was looking at them they went back to their cocky, rude, and annoying selves. I was expecting them to make a snide comment at me. ‘Oh look someone beat us to it’ so I was very shocked when they just sat down and kept to their own conversations for today. The teacher walked in and I really wanted to avoid being asked by a teacher, so I kept my head down for the whole class. I was listening though; I figured I should at least try to pay attention.

The bell went before I knew it and I got up and out of the room before the teacher could even say bye. I wanted to avoid as many people as I could that day, really not in the mood for talking with people. I made my way to music class. Oh that reminds me my music assignment is due in a week. I fell farther into my seat and just wanted to break down and cry. And when Vic walked into the room I felt like I was going to cry. I turned my head from him and pulled my hood up. I was hoping he wouldn’t notice I was here. No one else did so I doubt he would have.

Mrs. Tuscan walked into the room smiling at everyone; I however avoided her eye contact. I hadn’t been in the class room for so long from skipping it trying to avoid Vic. I sunk into my chair and pulled out my notebook to write. I didn’t want to pay attention; I knew I would just get distracted by Vic.

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