Chapter 9

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Chapter 9



The next week of school I blended in to the walls. I just basically focused on nothing but school which was needed because I had missed a lot with me not paying attention, skipping, and missing school. However now, my dad was coming home today. I didn’t exactly know what I should think of that but regardless I needed to be prepared for the worst. Especially if my dad had dropped the charges against Vic, there has to be a reason for that. I was currently walking through the halls of school going to my locker, it was now lunch. Mike hasn’t changed towards me at all. We still sit together at lunch and talk like normal. Vic was still an asshole, towards me and towards everyone at the school. I saw him shove a kid into the locker the other day which aggravated me.

I pushed my thoughts out of my mind and let myself focus on now. Lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table while I waited for mike to come in. I smiled at him and he plopped his tray of food down. I heard my stomach rumble in hunger when I looked at his food, it was also my favorite, lasagna.

“Why don’t you go get some?” He laughed

“I think I will” I said and stood up “Back in sec”

I walked to the lunch ladies and got myself a plate. I felt satisfied with the fact I was actually eating this lunch. I thanked the lady handing me the food and turned to walk back to Mike. I was about to make it to his table when a kid ran into me. My food went up and hit me in the face and his food coated me as well. One glance at Vic was all I needed to know he probably set that up.

“Sorry” the kid said and ran away.

It was a bit hard to see, with my vision covered by sauce and noodles, but I could see everyone staring at me. The room was soon filled with laughter and I heard the words ‘faggot’ being chanted, and soon growing louder. I went to an empty bathroom to clean myself up. The word itself doesn’t bother me, I mean yes the fact that people think being gay is an insult is demeaning but I get called worse by my dad. Also the fact that thousands of kids were just saying that to me when they have no idea who I am. I understand that Vic and I aren’t exactly palls but why does he have to be such a dick to me? I didn’t do fucking anything to him…

I cleaned myself up, the best to my ability, and sat in there until the bell went. I guess I understand why they hate me. I’m an awkward skinny kid who wears black dark clothing, band shirts, and has black hair falling into my eyes all the time. It wasn’t exactly a fun time for me to sit in there alone thinking about what all the kids said to me. I just don’t understand why they all would hate me so much. The bell went and I felt the need to wait around in the bathroom a tad bit longer, but longer turned out to be the whole period. I was wallowing in myself pity but decided I should go to my last class of the day when it just hit me that I had music class next, so I guess I’m skipping again. I was sitting in one of the stalls on the ground with my knees to my chest, begging myself to not cry, when I heard his voice.

“Kellin?” Was all he said and it filled me with anger. The kind of anger that just pushed me over the top. Tears were slowly falling out of my eyes as I kicked open the door to look at him.

“Finally, Mrs. Tuscan told me to come find you” he said

“You-“ I said and walked over to him “You are a horrible human being and honestly you don’t deserve to be treated highly here! Why can’t you just leave people be? You’re going to drive people to death cause honestly after I met you I’ve considering killing myself every single damn day! Why do you treat me like I’m shit? Why do you treat people like this?” I was infuriated. He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him before anything could leave his lips. “Shut up I don’t fucking want to hear it…” I mumbled and walked passed him leaving the bathroom. I heard his footsteps right behind me the whole time.

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