Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I woke up looking at a bright light. I looked around the room to see it empty. I was at the hospital. What was I doing here? All I remember was coming home with Vic. I sighed and leaned my head back on the pillow. I organized through my thoughts and sat up. I looked around the room to find that button to press for a nurse and clicked it. A few moments later a skinny brunette walked in, she was very pretty and if I did shoot for guys then I’d defiantly be after her.

“Kellin! You’re awake this is wonderful” she said happily “How are you feeling?” she asked me.

I was tired, confused, my neck and head hurt a bit, but most of all I was very very hungry. “Fine” I said with a shrug.

“Alright, let me get the doctor in here.” She said and left the room. Why was I in here though? I played with my wrist band I had from the doctor and waited patiently. After a 5 minute wait the nurse walked back in with a tall man and brown hair.

“Hello there, I’m Dr.Tyson. How are you feeling Kellin?” he asked me. Why does everyone want to know how I’m feeling?

“I’m fine, why am I in here?” I asked impatiently. I wanted to leave and be with Vic, I hate hospitals.

“You have a lot of signs of anorexia; you passed out from lack of food in your body. Do you remember the last time you ate?” he asked me,

Oh. I know I don’t eat much but I never thought it was that bad, was it? “I-I don’t remember” I said “I didn’t know I had anorexia” I said a bit stunned

“We also noticed you have a lot of bruises on your body, what could those be from?”

Oh shit, quick Kellin! Lie! “Skateboarding, I suck at it but I still try”

He nodded in response that he understood. “Why don’t we get you some food hm?” he asked me

“Yes please” I said with a nod and looked down at my hands. I felt a little stupid, how could I actually forget to eat? I meant, I know I don’t eat when im scared, or nervous, or upset, etc. but… am I really like that all the time? I mean, I’m not depressed or anything, sure I get sad when I think about the past but nothing bad has happened to me for a long time I don’t understand why I’d be like this. I felt a tear drop fall to my hand and I quickly whipped my face. I looked up to see the room was empty. I sighed to myself, what time is it? They need to put clocks in here for fucks sake. I heard some talking outside the room and I knew who it was instantly, my dad.

“Can we see him?”

“Go ahead”

In walked my dad followed by Lindsey. They both had sympathetic looks on their faces, my dads of course fake. He knows how to fake these things from past experiences. They kept talking but I didn’t answer to anything they said. I just wanted to be released from the hospital already. But there was one thing I wanted to know.

“When can I go home and what time is it?” I asked

“We’ll asked the doctors, Lindsey can you go for me?” he asked nicely

“Certainly” she said. Of course I had to be left alone with him. The moment she was out of the room my dad turned to me with a disgusted look on his face.

“Did you tell them anything?” he asked sternly


“’You’re a pathetic human being, out of all the people in the world I had to be stuck with you” he spat at me.

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