Twisted Intro.

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Annually the devil pays his visit to the Plastic Asylum, he selects a set of desultory patients to be his victims, and he sends these victims to hell.

The devil is not what they tell you he is. He is not this large creature with crimson skin, a set of horns on his head, and a pitchfork in his right, clawed hand.

No, the devil has thick ebony hair with bangs that hid half of his heterochromia eyes. His skin is green akin to a delectable pear, and he wore a suit which hugged his form ideally, but he is not suave. The devil is a vulgar man who is never sober, a man whose cachinnation scratches your nerves like nails on a chalkboard, and he has a very crude sense of humor and no manners. He is never seen without a devious grin that bears all of his fangs, fangs that are so sharp they look like they were made to rip out someone's throat. His face however, is strikingly handsome, but tarnished. His nose appeared as though it had been broken over ten times.

The devil has a name. But it is not "Satan," "Beezlebub," or even "Lucifer". His name is Faust.

People are not just wrong about the devil, but they are also wrong about his victims. The biggest misconception is that nobody wants to go to hell, that they fear the devil's very presence, this is not true. We wait for him with alacrity, we long for those eternal flames.

We've waited 365 agonizing days, and finally he arrives at the asylum in his usual fashion, unannounced.

We were all amassed the back of the asylum like sheep and he was the vicious canine. We all looked up at Faust with pleading eyes, He looked down at us as though we were all old friends he had not visit in some time. But when he turned to look at the nurse, his expression changed to that of great impatience.

"Where is he?" He demanded an answer from her.

The nurse stood up straight, fear running down her face in beads of sweat. I take it that she is either scared of Faust, the man in question, or perhaps both. "Si-Sir, you can't possibly, he's locked up, he's a danger--"

"What the bloody hell do you think I'm paying you for?! I gave you a large sum for anyone in this sad place that I wanted. And you're gonna get him, or I will take back my money!"

The nurse forced a lump down her throat, she nodded and we watch her run as expeditious as she can. Never have I seen a woman, or anyone run so quickly while their feet donned high-heels. And although Faust had just expressed such aggression toward someone else, we all gazed at him with adoration that will never burn out.

Patients at Plastic Asylum worshiped Faust, and so did the employees. Patients will draw pictures of Faust in crayon or paint, patients will cut of magazine clippings of his photos and tape them onto the walls of their room, Faust was often the topic of many conversations in our white rooms, some even pray to him every night.

You may be confused as to why Faust is such a venerate man among patients, and even the outside world, and it's for more than just his handsome looks. Allow me to explain: The outside world looks up to Faust for being an entrepreneur. He is known as the most prosperous entrepreneur in history, having started from nothing but dirt, to being the most puissant, and richest man in the world since Bill Gates departed. He is the owner of the great "KONG STUDIOS". He owns approximately every business in the world, and he's only in his thirties.

But patients worship Faust for other reasons than the outside world does. Faust's most famous project is "Twisted Metal" a demolition derby competition show. It is the show that people with normal lives are thrilled to watch, and a competition that the patients are thrilled to enter. Faust is the host of this show and he grants the victor anything they desire, and liberation from the institution. Except there is a twist, the demolition derby is so perilous, that many, many of its competitors have died during the show.

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