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Where am I? There's a pleasant breeze against my flesh and a welcoming warmth coming down on me. Blades of colorful grass were tickling my bare feet, a teasing sensation I haven't felt in a long while. All around me I see deep blue skies and fluffy, cotton candy clouds. My torso bent as back as it can, and it's easy to spot a large windmill before me that was larger than life itself. I must have been outdoors, that's it. But how did I get away from the asylum? I couldn't remember that detail, yet I did not care to. This windmill granted me ecstasy and I wanted to sit by it, so I did. My eyes moved and I watched all my friends; Stuart, Russel, and even Mike.

I appeared to be on a floating island, as illogical as that sounded, an explanation didn't matter to me. I hear laughter, and I turned around and I saw my sisters all running around, playing tag. And for once, they resembled normal people. I didn't question why they were alive, I didn't want to because I feared I could find out something I don't want to hear. I looked back to my other friends who sat on beds of flowers, lilies if I'm correct. They all stared at me, choosing not to use any words. I didn't say anything either; it could be because we're all feeling the same way; so shocked that we're speechless. I picked a lily beneath me, then held it to my face. I watched it perform a soft dance in the wind, the way that its white pedals flew was comforting to me. Then all a sudden, Mike spoke to me.

"Nada será igual cuando llegue el mañana."

Because of my origins, I knew every language, I understood what Mike said. But I stared at him with perplexity. He confused me so much that I am still left speechless. I wasn't aware that Mike could speak other than grunts, and I had to wonder why in Spanish.

Before I could question it, I heard gunshots that caused me to jump in reflex. The scene was escalating before I could act. Then I watched all my sisters be massacred by a man for the second time. This time it was not my creator, but instead a shadowy creature. All black, it was hard to see whom or what he was as his body's covered with a large, black cloak. Despite his mysterious appearance, I recognize him. I'm not sure how or where, but I do. I then patted around myself, I had no weapons but this lily.

"SISTERS!" I cried out to them, making an endeavor to chase after all their tumbling bodies without thinking. My own sobs filled my ears and I failed to notice something approaching the island. I did not dare look back, my tear brimmed eyes focused on my sisters' corpses. But I did not run, my feet frozen to the ground and once again in my life, despite my capabilities, I felt hopeless. Then, I almost jumped out of my skin when Russel and Stuart started screaming.

However, I did jump out of my bed.

"OH GOD!" I shouted in a cold sweat. Other than my own shouting, I heard screaming from both Russel and Stuart, and it made me wonder if it wasn't a dream. I didn't have to get out of bed, I looked to my right and I saw Russel holding Stuart by his throat, pushing him against the wall.

The wall... Walls that were as white as a departed soul. That signified I was still in the asylum and the windmill island was nothing more than a nightmare. Yet, the drama was for real. I threw the blanket off my body and jumped out of my bed with such speed, I almost tripped. I rushed over to the brawling two, and the first thing I did was tug on Russel's pristine shirt.

"Russel! Let him go," I pleaded in a panic.

"Told ya, Noodle, if 2-D ever came out, I've to beat his ass."

I glance at Stuart, but it was no longer him. Although he shared my friend's exact appearance, there was something different about him. The look in his blood brimmed eyes, the way his body jerk with bold aggressiveness. It's believable that a demon took over Stuart, a demon known as 2-D. I felt impressed by Russel's endurance. He managed to keep 2-D up despite his repeated kicking. That wasn't all that told me how much of a brute Russel is, I now noticed the end of a spoon that is sticking out of Russel's arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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