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They didn't believe me! I had failed to find ways to come in contact with the Government, so I went to the police instead. They all laughed at me, until they discovered that I was serious. Which they then brushed it off as INSANITY, they called me delusional and then took away my only friend. I'm not sure what will become of Mike, but for now I'm stuck in a place I do not belong; The Plastic Asylum. At this time I was only fourteen in a mental institution full of adults, adults who were nothing like me. There were all kinds of concerning patients I had to live with; the very obsessive Jimmy Manson, the self-proclaimed doctor, Wurzel, the perverted twins. There were more patients, but I do not have the time to list them all. Being adolescent at the time, and new to the world, I was too timid to talk to anyone.

Until one day, I was forced to. I was sitting at the table, eating a cup of noodles. I was all alone, until I heard snorting, I looked to my right and it was those damn twins. "Hyuck, hyuck," one snorted, "heheheheh," the other one giggled something sinister. I turned my head from them, only wanting to focus on my meal. "You know you hadn't smiled since you arrived here?" One said, not sure which, because it was impossible to tell them apart. As though they were like me, a bunch of clones. "What, you can't speak Engrish?" I closed my eyes, trying to block out their idiotic words. But they went on, spewing their racist, perverted prattle. My fingernails sunk into the Styrofoam of the cup noodle, I left indents in it. The more that spat, the more I wanted to crush them with my hands. If they knew what I was, they wouldn't even be brave enough to breathe in my direction. But, I didn't want to do anything that'll get me in any trouble. So, I had to restrain my feelings, inhale-exhale slowly. "Ching-Chong-Ch--"

"If you don't leave that kid alone, I'll smash both of your skulls in together."

That was a voice I hadn't recognized, but the twins did and it instantly pierced fear through them. Simultaneously, they scampered away from my table like squealing pigs. My eyes reopened and I saw a very large man with a perfectly bald head. He stood confidently, and I'd say he was somewhere around 26. His expression was stern until the twins were gone, then it melted like sweet candy. "Sorry about those weirdos, I hope you're alright."

I couldn't say his voice was exactly light, but it was debonair and cool. A voice I could listen to all day. "It's okay, I'm Russel Hobbs." Despite this man's size, he did not scare me. He appeared more like a large, soft teddy bear when not angered.


What was my name? I didn't have one except for "23", but that is not legitimate. My eyes went straight to the cup in my hands, "Noodle, I'm Noodle." Cripes, like that's any better than 23. Russel then chuckled. "Noodle, did you just made that up?" It was my turn to giggle, I added some mystery by saying "Maybe."

"Like you should be talking anyways, Russ, you could've made your name up, Mister Kettle!"

I hear another voice, but it was the opposite of Russel's. This one was more squeakier, a voice that wouldn't be very comforting to listen to. It was additionally shaken as though the person it belonged to is always on the brink of a mental breakdown. "You got me there, Stu," Russel playfully agreed.

Stu came into the picture, and he was indeed the most outlandish man I had ever laid my green eyes on for now. His hair was a dark azure. Blood had hid away his pupils, blood so dark it almost looked black. Whenever he spoke, I noted that he was missing his two front teeth. He was younger than Russel, must have been in his early twenties. Maybe 23? He must've noticed that I was staring, because he hid his face behind his hands. I went quiet again, too nervous to say anything to this newcomer.

"It's alright, Stu, she's not gonna bite," Russel promised him. Stu must put his trust in Russel, because after the reassurance, he uncovered his face. "This is my best friend, Stuart Pot, we've been friends well... Ever since we made it here a few years ago."

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