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Plastic Asylum Patient Profile:


Age: 27.

Disorder(s): Delusional Disorder.

Treatment(s): Antipyschotics, Antidepressants.


Twisted Metal information:

Noodle's vehicle was once an F1 race car which belonged to the world's fastest race car driver. The driver had died in a brutal accident during a recent race, Faust was not afraid to fill in its new driver about all the gruesome details of said accident. The car proves to be unbelievably fast. However, its exterior lacks in strength. But the mounted gun that Faust added to it is just enough to win Twisted Metal.


Everyone involved in Twisted Metal has their own story, each story is the birth of their reason to play this game. If you ever see someone on the streets, a cashier at your local store, a neighbor sitting on their porch, never assume that their lives have been simple, easy, or exultant. Never assume that someone has never struggled or fought battles, that is selfish thinking. Life grabs everyone by the collar, and shoves them in the mud, then life beats them to a pulp until they're begging for it to end.

This is my story, it begins with deafening sounds of a shotgun, blood flying through the air, and children's bodies thrashing to the floor.

I am not human, I am a weapon created for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, among 22 other children. We were designed to be perfect in anything imaginable. We know every language that is spoken on earth, we are talented in every field and hobby, but most importantly we were the greatest killing machines. It is a popular theory among the citizens of Japan that we were created with the aid of a DEMON notable for its gas mask, but I can not disclose this, as even I do not know the truth.

One night, when I was around fourteen, I couldn't sleep. I cannot say I was suffering from a nightmare, but this eerie feeling. possibly a gut feeling, an impending doom. This feeling weighed down on me, forcing my eyes open. I figured if they must be open, I will put them to use and survey my surroundings. In this room, there was always company, because I shared a room with the 22 other soldiers. We did not slumber in a normal children's room, we slept in a room that appeared to be made for an army of soldiers... No, a room designed for prisoners is more fitting. The beds weren't particularly warm and comforting, and the room was this dull silver color. I could guess that the depressing aura of the room is getting to me, tying a rope to my mood and dragging it down.

Whatever it is, I could not sleep.

Giving up, I sat in my bed, mumbling and ready to rouse another soldier from her peaceful dreaming, to distract myself by a little chit-chat. I had my hand on her shoulder, but I was interrupted when my eyes descry an intense light enter from the doorway with a silhouette that stood in front of it, holding a gun. Although it is dark where I sit, I can see that the silhouette is short, a man, and hunched as though the gun is hard to carry in his age, I recognized it as my creator. I rubbed at my tired eyes, trying to get them to adjust to this sudden light. Before my eyes were even able to, I heard the sound of gunfire, and then screams of many children my own age. Then... One more scream.

It is my own.

I am created to kill, yet the sight of brain matter soaring in the atmosphere left me devastated and traumatized. The other girls were sobbing withal, but I could not judge if they were like me, upset to see their sisters being executed in ostensibly cold blood, or if it was out of instinct, and for their own selfish survival. I searched for my gun, a survival knife, any weapons. But my tears blurred my vision, my trembling impaired my hands, and my heart felt like it could explode. My weapon... Where is my weapon?! Could it be that I am not in the mental state to get it? No... I was created for times like these, the sisters were created for this. They snatched them while we were sleeping. Then I look up and he was right in my vision, then my ears registered a chilling detail.

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