Chapter 25

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Lance POV
We had all moved into Keith's room to talk. We were all quiet until Keith said, "Where to next Shiro?"
Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose and said, "I'm not sure. We're going to have to go to the 'Altain Diner' so that we can get reasoned a place. Heck we might have to change our names. Allura will figure it out. "
They all nodded except me and Hunk who just sat there super confused.  What the heck are they talking about?  The Altain diner? Wasn't that where we went to dinner that one time? Change there names? What??
Hunk broke my train of thought by saying, " What are you guys talking about?"
Keith let out a sigh and said, " Since the Galra found us we can't stay here for much longer. They found out new location so we will have to leave. Lance since you were captured you will also have to move. I am so sorry. We can visit here every once in a while. "

"What about me?" Hunk asked.
Shiro looked any Hunk and said, " We can try to bring you with us if you want but it will be pretty hard.  I know the director so I can try talking to her. If all else fails we'll say your a master chef pixie. " we all giggled at the end.
"I will give her a call and see what we all have to do. Lance I want you to go and spend some time with your family and Hunk I want you to do the same. " we all nodded and got up following Shiro's orders.
Me, not seeing my family, my mama, my sisters, my brothers, even my papa. How am I supposed to cope with that? What will I tell them?
I was about to leave the room when Keith said, " Lance help me up, I'm coming with you. "
He struggled to stand so I helped him stand. We walked to the car and got in. 
It was silent for most of the ride, until Keith looked at me and said, " I am so sorry," He bursts into tears. I pull over and stop the car, " I pulled you into this mess. I fell for a human and it resulted in you getting captured, turned into some water bender, and now you are going to have to leave your family. I-I just can't believe how much pain I have caused you. And I can never take what I did back. "
I took his hands and said, " Keith listen I'm not going to lie to you. Yes things have been a bit...... crazy, but the thing is, life is like a roller coaster. What kind of fun are the ones that only have a few bumps compared to the ones with all the loops. And I've told you before this is not all your fault. I fell to. And yes moving away from my family will be hard but I know that with you by my side I can get through this. I love you and nothing can ever change that no matter how much we go through. "
He nodded but still continued to cry. I whipped off one of his tears. I got back on the road continued driving.  This is going to be a long night.

Hi sorry it took my a little bit to get this out. I had an idea that after every chapter I would put a little fun fact that y'all don't know about fly with me. I will put one in this chapter let me know if you want me to continue it. 

Fun fact: Did you know that Keith was originally going to be a vampire?? The book would have been called I Don't Bight.

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