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Morgan's POV

it was 4am when I got called by Emily. Why would she call at this moment of the day.
Hey em, why are you calling?
Derek can you come please she said in a weak voice
Emily what happend? He heard her crying and knew that is was something bad.
Emily I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Oke thankyou Derek.

At Emily's apartment

I knocked on the door and waited for An answar, when nobody replied I noticed that the door was open. When I walked in I saw glass every where. The table was broken. There was defenitly a fight here. I heard some in the bathroom so I grabbed my gun and walked to it. When I opened the door I saw something that broke my heart, I saw Emily lying on the ground unconsieus with bruises everywhere and cuts on her chest. Emily!! Emily!! Wake up, can you here my?? As soon as I touched her arm she woke up scared and didn't regonize Derek first. But then a second later she knew who it was. Derek helped her stand up. Emily what happenend? I..he...I..I couldn't stop it...he...he. she cried and Derek immiediatly pulled her into a big hug. Im here, shhh it's oke I got you I got you.

A few minutes later she calmed down and Derek helped her to the couch with a blanket on her.

Emily what happenend? She took a deel breath and started to tell everything. Last night I was going in a date and it was fun. He brought me to my house but when I shut the door he stopped it. He pushed me inside and he...he..I couldn't stop it. He raped me. Derek I couldn't stop it because I was too weak.. No your'e not weak Emily. He grabbed her hands and let her show he was there for here.

They sat there for an hour when Derek said Emily we have to go a hospital to check you out. No no Derek no hospital please. Em you need to be checked out come on.


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