I'm a Big Idiot

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Your POV

I felt all of my courage shrivel up. All of the adrenaline from being mad at Silver was long gone and I felt like an idiot.

Which I guess I am.

I just ran into a cave that has an insane amount of Zubats. And it's dark.

I curled up into a ball and put my head in my hands. I shrunk into the wall trying to make myself as small as  I could.

" Help... Please...." I whispered, afraid that if I spoke any louder Zubats would hear me.

" Silver...."

Silver POV

I am such an idiot!

(Y/n) told me she was afraid and I laughed! I laughed! I could have comforted her or offered to hold her hand or something but no I just had to be a jerk!

What if she hates me?

Why? Why now? We literally just made up about another misunderstanding!

Am I just so stupid I can't think about her feelings for one second?!?

My boots clicked on the cave floor. Alerting all the Pokemon that I was here. So many Zubats.....

What if (y/n) was having the same problem? What if she was terrified??

"(Y/N)!!!!" I yelled my voice echoing through the cave

"(Y/N) IM SORRY!! WHERE ARE YOU!!" I shouted again losing hope by the second. This cave is so big.

" I'll help you.... (Y/n)..." I whispered to myself filling up with determination.

Your POV

((There will be a looottt of switching POV in this chapter! Sorry T^T))

I really wish Silver was here...

But then again.

He was being a jerk.

But I really need someone to comfort me...

I wish I could bring out Quilava but if I did the bright fire in it's back would attract or startle the Zubats I could tell was close by.

I sniffed burying my face in my arms. Tears were streaming down my face as I silently sobbed. I really wish Silver was here... Is he even looking for me...? Is he happy I ran away...?

A zubat flew too close and all thoughts in my head were replaced with fear... I can't take this anymore...


Silver's POV

I had been wandering around the cave for a while. I couldn't find (y/n) anywhere. I was really worried.

I heard sniffling nearby. I walked towards the source of the noises.

As I walked closer in the dimness of the cave I could just make out a person curled up against the wall. They were the source of the sniffling.

It was (y/n)

I stepped forward.

When my boot hit the ground (y/n) flinched.

" Please help me... Silver..." She whispered.

" (Y/n)..?" I watched as she slowly raised her head

Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes were puffy.


I kneeled in front of her and pulled her into a gentle hug.

" Yeah... Yeah, it's me... I'm here... I'm here... I'm here to help you..."

" Silver... Silver it was so scary!" I felt her arms wrap around me as she buried her head in my chest.

" (Y/n)?"


" Sorry... I'm a big idiot..."

" Yeah... You really are...."

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