Thats a promise

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Your pov.

“Do you mean...?” I asked, could it be what I think it is…

“I promised you 7 years ago, that if we ever left each other's side that when we met again, we would never hate each other and we would always be friends...That we would never forget” he smiled at his hands, it was the faint sort of smile one might have when they are remembering something childish. “I’ve broken all of those promises”

“What… you, you remembered?” I asked my heart thumping in my ears

“ Yeah...I’m sorry I forgot… I ruined everything we had left (y/n), I’ve never been so sorry…” Silver buried his head in his hands.

“Hey, hey Silver, you ruined nothing. I promise. Ok? I don’t hate you, and it wasn’t your fault at all. I forgive you for leaving me, you were only trying to protect me.” i reached out and held his hand that was on his cheek I smiled gently

He leaned into my hand and pulled one of his hands away from his face and rested it on his lap. I pulled my hand away and rested it on the hand in his lap. His face grew red and he stuttered as he spilled out something that he had been holding in for a long long time. “I.. I love you so much, and I know that you only see me as a friend but tell you because you deserve to know.. y-you deserve everything, and I’m nothing. But leaving you made me realize that I loved you. I’m sorry... This was stupid..” Silver made a move to get up but I stopped him, tugging on his sleeve.

Tears starting to fill my eyes, and then spill down my cheeks

“ Crap, um I...sorry… I didn’t mean to make you cry…” Silver started to panic, waving his hands around before resting them over his eyes and falling into the seat again. “Um, what am I supposed to do to...erm comfort you? Or uh what am I supposed to do?”

A couple more tears rolled down my cheeks before Silver wiped them away hesitantly, his hands shaking slightly.

“No, it’s more like… I’m so… relieved. After all this stuff that happened, now it feels like i can breathe again, I don’t have that weight on my shoulders.” I laughed, though it sounded more like a sudden breath of cheeks warmed up “ I mean um… I… I love y-you too.” i smiled up at Silver

I watched as a grin made its way onto his face, the weary look that he had when he entered the room dissipated and a joyful, beautiful face returned. Watching it made me feel like finally everything was over, it felt like i was in a new world, a perfect world.

He wrapped his arms around me and nestled his head in the crook of my neck, “ I’m glad… and relieved…” his voice came out as a muffled whisper. “ Me too...” I whispered back.

He pulled away and rubbed his arm in embarrassment, “So….. Would you be my girlfriend? Or something I dunno..“

I smiled feeling my cheeks redden “Of course, silly!” He smiled at me and we embraced again


The next week I spent starting to walk again, and slowly recovering from the wounds I suffered, Silver had already undergone most treatments so he helped me a long. Gold and Lyra visited often. Soon I was ready to leave the hospital. After a week and a half of the hospital, the sun felt good on my face. Silver and I worked together to battle at gyms and tournaments. Training and traveling together.

But today was a day where we were going to relax, enjoy the world, enjoy each other. We were staying in a nice town and had found a beautiful park, so on a sunny day, Silver and I decided to take a walk.

My hand was intertwined with Silvers as we strolled through the park, talking and laughing, not a care in the world. In the distance we spotted an ice cream truck and raced to see who got there first. I won. Silver had to pay.

We spotted a hill and decided to relax there for a while. I laughed at Silver who was overexagerating about how tired he was. Silver and I finally made it to the top of the hill, ice cream already half done. We sat down, watching the world go by. My head resting on Silvers shoulder, his hair tickling my cheek.

“I love you” I whispered looking at our intertwined hands.

“I love you too.” Silver smiled pressing a kiss to my forhead. I smiled at him.

He turned to face me cupping my cheek with one hand. He leaning his face close to mine, so close that i felt his breath on my lips. I closed the distance, playing with his bright red hair as we kissed.

The feeling was so natural, and so perfect.  My heart beat out of my chest. We pulled away for air resting our forheads together.

Then, Silver whispered, “ I love you now, and I'll love you forever”

“That's a promise”

•°•The End•°•

There it is, the final chapter. The ocs and questions will come out soon the window for oc requests and questions is still open. And... Yeah. The end. It was quite the journey with you guys. Thanks for your time. Peace out.

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