Old Friends

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( I'm not gonna use Lyra as a person for (y/n) to be jelly of,  BECAUSE  SILVER LIKEs (Y/N) EVEN IF HE DOESNT KNOW THAT YET!)

Silver POV

(Y/n) looked like she was about to say something but she was cut off by two voices yelling at the same time.

" (Y/N)?!?"

I turned to look at where the voices came from

A girl with brown hair wearing overalls and a boy with dark hair wearing a black and yellow hat were running towards us.

" GOLD? LYRA?" (Y/n) gasped. She quickly got up, and I moved so I was sitting cross-legged.

All three of them hugged... While I sat there...  And felt super awkward...

The tree of them let go and quickly sat down in a circle, thank Arceus I was a part of the circle.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Lyra asked her

" Well, I started my journey! And in the second town on the road, I met Silver, and we started the journey together!" (Y/n) grinned, gesturing to me.

" Wait, wait, wait, Silver... AGREED... To take you with him." Gold said looking at (y/n) and I in disbelief.

" Yes," I responded in a cold tone. I don't like new people...

" That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard!" Gold held his hat and leaned back on his hands.

" Ohmygosh!! I had the best idea!!"
Lyra squealed clapping her hands together.

" What is it?" (Y/n) asked.

" We should totally journey together for a while!!"

" That would be the best!!"

"Yay!" They shouted jumping to their feet.

" Ok boys, stay here and get along, (y/n) and I am going for a walk!" Lyra looked at gold and me.


I apologize for the short Chapter! I have some good ideas so expect more chapters soon!

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